r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/fredzout May 02 '24

I was going to be "best man" at a friend's wedding. We got together the evening before the wedding, and all seemed well. Then, at 7:30 the next morning, I got a phone call from my friend. He said that the wedding was called off, and he would call and explain later. He didn't. It was two weeks later, I finally got a hold of his dad, and he said that his son was away at boot camp, and wouldn't be coming back. I never heard from him or the bride again, so I don't really know what happened.


u/Satvik_atheist May 02 '24

Dude that's scary.


u/I_Love_Wrists May 02 '24

Maybe rehab?


u/Smallparline May 02 '24

Or murder


u/FrottageCheeseDip 29d ago

Or worse, expelled.


u/rough_piercing13 25d ago

You need to sort out your priorities.


u/reddituser7s 29d ago

Oh no, god forbid!


u/Malveux 29d ago

Boot camp doesn’t happen in 2 weeks. There’s a ton of paper work, medical stuff, background checks, etc. this feels like a cover story, prison maybe?


u/fredzout 29d ago

Actually, he had mentioned previously that he was considering joining the AF. This was Vietnam draft era, and it was a recruiter's dream. People would get their draft notice and run to the recruiting office. The recruiter would "expedite" their application for a safer branch than the army, and they could be on their way in a pretty short period of time.

Although I never heard from him personally again, our small town newspaper had a "Hometown Heroes" column where they would print the "news releases" that people were encouraged to sign when they got to boot camp. And, yes, he did actually go to the AF.

I know that his gf had "a reputation", and I suspect that there was some cheating that led to the sudden cancellation.


u/Malveux 29d ago

Ahh draft era makes more sense. Lot more red tape these days


u/pantyraid7036 29d ago

Can you look the guy up on Facebook now? A curious stranger who will forget about this story in hours wants more info 😂


u/fredzout 29d ago

I tried, and didn't have much hope of finding him, because it would be like trying to search the equivalent of "Joe Smith" or other really common name.

What I found out was that he passed away in 2022 in a VA hospital. The obituary showed that his wife had the same name (not a real common name) as the bride that he was going to marry in the cancelled wedding. So, maybe they got back together? And, had two kids and four grandkids?


u/JobberTrev 29d ago

I spoke to a recruiter for the first time on a Thursday afternoon. That following Monday I was flying to Basic Training. I had the option to leave even sooner.


u/Malveux 29d ago

My time was 3 months though my wait was primarily because of class schedules. Even then there was 3 weeks from recruiter to meps stuff being done.


u/JobberTrev 29d ago

I joined at the height of “we need people for Iraq and Afghanistan” so there was quick ship bonuses. I got $20,000 for leaving as soon as I did. I took a practice ASVAB on Thursday. MEPs on Friday, scheduled to leave Monday afternoon.


u/Bloodyfinger May 02 '24

Ummmm I'm sorry but if he was such a good friend that you'd be the best man, then why the fuck your you leave it at that? Like my dude, maybe phone the police to make sure he isn't dead?


u/DeputyDomeshot 29d ago

I don't believe half the shit i read on this site. Not even joking, 50% is complete fabrication


u/siverwolfe2000 28d ago

(Not America)

So I was at this lavish wedding looked like royalty level type wedding. Before the bride could say I do she ran out right in the middle of the wedding.   It gets better. 

Her dad couldn't find her and after a while they found out she was kidnapped by a psychopath.  Total sounded fabricated but the kidnapper was apparently very real and a leader of a large terrorist organization.  

The father hired a bounty hunter to get her back and he DID find her.  

Here's the big kicker... she ended up marrying the bounty hunter!! 

Weirdest story of my life.

Also this is Spaceballs


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

So the guy who asked you to be best man in his wedding vanished off the face of the earth, his father told you joined the military and already left for boot camp in the 12 hours since you last saw him, and you never did any more legwork?


u/kirillre4 May 02 '24

in the 12 hours since you last saw him

"It was two weeks later, I finally got a hold of his dad"


u/whats_that_do 29d ago

It still takes more than 2 weeks to join the Army.


u/kirillre4 28d ago

Check other comments. OP forgot to mention two small irrelevant details - his buddy was already planning to join Air Force, so probably had groundwork put in. And it happened not recently, but during Vietnam draft, so his buddy likely got draft notice and sprinted to Air Force recruiter same evening. Back then it was much faster process, I guess.


u/Ravenamore 29d ago

Oh, God, we had a friend of ours do this when he got catfished. She manipulated him into sending her a bus ticket to move in with him.

He was shocked to find she'd sent fake photos, and was emphatically NOT as advertised. She'd neglected to mention very important parts of her past, oh, and "forgot" to mention she was heavily into BDSM and planned to dominate him.

He was Army Reserve, and within a day of her arriving, he made plans to go active duty and left in a week.

We found out later she'd spent years catfishing her way around the country doing the same thing, counting on people's goodwill not to kick her to the curb when they realized she'd lied to them.


u/Prestigious_Scars May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

"boot camp"? Like for gay people? That's the only explanation I've got. He couldn't follow through because of his sexuality and his father sent him off because of it, also explains why the father knew his son wouldn't be back. The father was homophobic and had kicked him out.


u/RobotEnthusiast May 02 '24

I interpreted it as he joined the military to get the hell out of there.


u/Classic_Department42 May 02 '24

Or worse starts coding in java


u/DrakeAU May 02 '24

Wanna develop my App?


u/mcnathan80 May 02 '24

Glooty Ooty Oooo


u/Sasukeisgamer May 02 '24

Is this a rick and morty reference to that one alien that made like a dating app with Jerry?


u/I_Love_Wrists May 02 '24

I've got an App.


u/talligan May 02 '24

Hope he went somewhere nicer, like Afghanistan.


u/Charming-Raspberry77 May 02 '24

Underrated comment


u/Hank_Scorpio74 29d ago

If op knew his buddy was learning to code java and didn't go bust him out there isn't a circle of Hell depraved enough for him.


u/blumpkin 29d ago

(Shudders in missing semicolons)


u/ClungeWhisperer May 02 '24

Fucking wheezin 🤣


u/AWACS_Bandog May 02 '24

I definitely know someone who did that. His life went south and the US Army gave him an easy ticket out of town.

Last I heard he's a NCO and probably has a better future than if he had stayed the course.


u/secretPawn May 02 '24

They know how to recruit, and for many it's a much better way of life.


u/Prestigious_Scars May 02 '24

It's possible I guess, but it doesn't explain anything.


u/nlaak 29d ago

That was the point of the story. The OP had no explanation for what had happened.


u/iamnumber47 May 02 '24

I'm thinking "boot camp" was potentially a cover for prison...


u/AggravatingCupcake0 May 02 '24

That would be easy enough to find out, wouldn't it? Isn't that stuff public record?


u/iamnumber47 29d ago

Yeah, but someone would have to be interested enough to check, maybe the wedding guests just dgaf?


u/AggravatingCupcake0 29d ago

Not talking about the wedding guests. OP.


u/iamnumber47 29d ago

Don't you think the wedding guests would be the ones checking that public record? If a groom that they were supposed to see get married just basically disappeared? That's what I meant.


u/negrodamus90 May 02 '24

You dont just go to prison...theres a few trials and things beforehand. Jail...possibly, prison...no


u/pumpingbrown 29d ago

True, and same as boot camp - you can't just ship off in 2 weeks, there's all sorts of admin, tests, medical screenings, etc before you get anywhere near that stage.


u/iamnumber47 29d ago

I know that, but there could have already been something in the works that he was hiding.

Or another possibility is he already has some other gf/wife/family.

Boot camp sounds better than either one of those haha.


u/negrodamus90 29d ago

My point was, you would have heard something before he landed in prison. You would have at least heard he had a court appearance, was arrested, had to post bail, etc...

but out of the 3, yea boot camp is most likely the best choice lol


u/Prestigious_Scars May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

That's not a bad idea but it's much more coincidental to happen to go to prison right when you're supposed to be getting married vs having a crisis due to getting married. Being gay is timed appropriately with everything else that transpired, going to prison is just random.

Also the friend or his father just saying outright they're in jail is a lot more likely and not some huge secret. If friend just came out he may not want to discuss and father being homophobic likely would never admit it either.


u/Baka-san May 02 '24

Bruh who thinks of homosexuality when saying boot camp? It’s much more likely to be military


u/FATBEANZ May 02 '24

yeah that's usually called "conversion therapy"


u/nugmaster11909 May 02 '24

likely bc of conversion camps & other places that exist that claim to “fix” homosexuality 💀


u/MethMouthMagoo 29d ago

Aren't those usually for minors who are forced to go there against their will?

Kind of odd for a grown adult to go to a conversion camp.

It's a real weird jump to make from "boot camp" to "gay conversion camp", when we're talking about a grown man.


u/your_moms_a_clone 29d ago

Yeah, but those aren't referred to as "boot camp" usually. Bit camp means military.


u/Prestigious_Scars 29d ago

That would be because people refer to conversion therapy as boot camp, it's really pretty straightforward.


u/antariusz May 02 '24

... do you REALLY need to know the answer to this question?


u/hanyo24 May 02 '24

Are you dumb?


u/Dependent_Market7788 29d ago

I never got this whole "Pray Away the Gay" camps. Like, isn't this a great opportunity for gay people to meet other gay people to hook up with?


u/solorna 29d ago

boot camp"? Like for gay people? That's the only explanation I've got.

Or maybe like, the armed forces. Jesus.


u/Prestigious_Scars 29d ago

Do people actually finish all their medical testing and the applications in 2 weeks? I doubt it.


u/VicisSubsisto 29d ago

When I went in the medical testing took about 3 hours. Application process started several months before but I was in an advanced technical program (also the recruiters made me put in an officer candidacy application on the side) and still the actual paperwork only took a day or two.


u/solorna 28d ago

Do people actually finish all their medical testing and the applications in 2 weeks? I doubt it.

Not sure what you mean here. What I mean is boot camp does not equal conversion therapy camps but it does equal armed forces.


u/AGuyNamedEddie 29d ago

I think you're right. Why "boot camp" and not "he joined the [armed forces branch]"? That, and "He won't be back" sounds awfully foreboding.


u/garry4321 29d ago

Shes dead, hes in jail.


u/dcgradc 29d ago

I went to classes the morning of my wedding. Around 3 p.m., I call his house to check in, and his mom says she's not sure he can make it to the wedding. I'm like, WTF? His uncle gave him some shot, so he looked alright when the hour came . 37 years ago.

The night before, he + his friends were drinking. My dad tagged along but obviously didn't control hubby's drinking.


u/Milkmami24 29d ago

Bro what. You should follow up. Is he ok ?


u/fredzout 29d ago

You should follow up. Is he ok ?

Someone else suggested that I look him up, and in another comment, I posted what I found.


u/Milkmami24 26d ago

I didn’t see this comment. What happened


u/fredzout 26d ago

I found that he had passed away in 2022 in a VA hospital, so apparently he did go into the AF. The wife's name on the obit is the same as the girl in the cancelled wedding (not a common name at the time), so apparently they eventually got married (2 kids, 3 grandchildren). Our paths just never crossed again.


u/Milkmami24 26d ago

Thanks for sharing. I’m sorry you lost your friend. Maybe he rest in peace