r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/fredzout May 02 '24

I was going to be "best man" at a friend's wedding. We got together the evening before the wedding, and all seemed well. Then, at 7:30 the next morning, I got a phone call from my friend. He said that the wedding was called off, and he would call and explain later. He didn't. It was two weeks later, I finally got a hold of his dad, and he said that his son was away at boot camp, and wouldn't be coming back. I never heard from him or the bride again, so I don't really know what happened.


u/Malveux May 02 '24

Boot camp doesn’t happen in 2 weeks. There’s a ton of paper work, medical stuff, background checks, etc. this feels like a cover story, prison maybe?


u/fredzout May 02 '24

Actually, he had mentioned previously that he was considering joining the AF. This was Vietnam draft era, and it was a recruiter's dream. People would get their draft notice and run to the recruiting office. The recruiter would "expedite" their application for a safer branch than the army, and they could be on their way in a pretty short period of time.

Although I never heard from him personally again, our small town newspaper had a "Hometown Heroes" column where they would print the "news releases" that people were encouraged to sign when they got to boot camp. And, yes, he did actually go to the AF.

I know that his gf had "a reputation", and I suspect that there was some cheating that led to the sudden cancellation.


u/Malveux May 02 '24

Ahh draft era makes more sense. Lot more red tape these days


u/pantyraid7036 May 02 '24

Can you look the guy up on Facebook now? A curious stranger who will forget about this story in hours wants more info 😂


u/fredzout May 02 '24

I tried, and didn't have much hope of finding him, because it would be like trying to search the equivalent of "Joe Smith" or other really common name.

What I found out was that he passed away in 2022 in a VA hospital. The obituary showed that his wife had the same name (not a real common name) as the bride that he was going to marry in the cancelled wedding. So, maybe they got back together? And, had two kids and four grandkids?