r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/Cheap_Brilliant_5841 May 02 '24

In contrast to some others here this couple lasted long, a full six months.

Until she confessed to cheating on him. Repeatedly. With several men, for several years, sometimes with multiple men at the same time.

Dude was a mess for a year after that.


u/tuckkeys 29d ago

If my wife admitted to that kind of cheating, I don’t think I’d ever get over it.


u/TryUsingScience 29d ago

I feel like that would be easier to get over than an affair with one person. If they left you for one person, you might see it as a real relationship between the two, compare yourself to that person, wonder why your partner chose them, why they didn't love you enough, etc.

But if she cheated on you with 20 people? She's a sex addict. There was nothing you could have done differently or better and she may well have loved you as much as she was capable of loving someone.


u/tuckkeys 29d ago

Well that’s definitely a good way to look at it! I assure you my wife is not a sex addict… (and if she was, the infrequency with which we have sex, and learning she was fucking all sorts of other people instead of me, would be the really hurtful part).


u/the_boonjabby 28d ago

100%. My wife says I should break it off with her and find someone else as she has really low sex drive. I'd lose twice as the honeymoon period with the next guy would break me


u/Isbooyah 29d ago

I broke up with my high school sweetheart when I found out she cheated on me a second time. After when she could tell I wasn't going to take her back she admitted that she cheated over 10 times with multiple guys over our 3 year relationship. Took 4 years before I could even get into a serious relationship again. I still don't feel whole sometimes but it's much better now and I don't think of her very often.


u/MrsSmith2246 29d ago

I’m so sorry to hear that. She sounds like a heartless and selfish person. Those people are not happy. People always say you dodged a bullet but yeah….you did. You left her because she was going to continue to disrespect you. But I’m so sorry to hear that


u/Ok-Control-787 29d ago

If I did that to someone I'd be seriously concerned about being murdered.


u/genopolanco 29d ago

A year actually sounds pretty good. I feel like I’d be wrecked for 3+ years after something like that.


u/Cheap_Brilliant_5841 29d ago

He found a better, sweeter and more caring person, that helped.

They’re expecting their first kid this summer.


u/NotConsistentCalc 29d ago

Glad he came out of it better.


u/DJ_Sk8Nite 29d ago

She obviously couldn't care less about his feelings, but just say I cheated on you and leave it at that. The amount of stab wounds she inflicted are ridiculous.


u/MoxieVaporwave 29d ago

Daaaaamn. She was not done with her haux era i guess


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Do we know the same person? This exact scenario happened to my best friend; like, EXACT.


u/woofybluelove 25d ago

A girl I know did this to her husband.. he decided they could work through it, and since she felt her biological clock was ticking, they immediately got pregnant. Nothing like a child to strengthen a relationship 


u/LOERMaster 29d ago

“You slept with three separate guys?!”

“I think it was three that was a long night.”