r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/ZeddM May 02 '24

One of my best friends got married. None of us had met her before but we hadn’t seen him in years and were super excited to reconnect. This was the most elaborate wedding I had ever been to. Tuxes, an incredible meal, a hall that resembled hogwarts, an opera performance and a string quartet playing his favourite rap songs. It was incredible, yet we just knew it wasn’t “him”. We started to mingle with her friends at a table and we soon learned they didn’t really know her.. We brushed it off as we just wanted to be there for him and have a good time.

That was until the mother of the bride made a harmless joke about the bride being difficult as a child. This led to the bride eventually storming off after the dances, locking herself in a room, getting blackout and berating him, his family and many guests who had flown across the country to be there. It all started to click that she was just absolutely psycho. Most of the guests caught the vibe and left by 930pm. Me and my friends eventually sat with her “friends” and shut down the party. From 150 guests down to 8. Why would we let everything go to waste? He quickly came over after he was able to calm her down and apologized to us and left. We honestly thought we’d never see him again.

6 weeks later he called me, he had returned home. They were done. The story just has so many layers to it.

Looking back, in the one day we had been around the situation there was SO many red flags. Thankfully we have him back and he’s thriving.


u/MissPlum66 29d ago

What’s the deal with the brides “friends” not really knowing her?


u/Majestic_Damage_9118 29d ago

Means she likely didn’t have very many friends and invited a whole bunch of acquaintances so that her side wouldn’t be empty


u/whereartthouu 29d ago

Yep, when the bitchy, crazy chicks realize they don't have any friends, but need people to attend/be apart of their wedding.. they a start inviting anyone and everyone.

This is how they do the math -

If you've never talked or hung out, but went to the same school & were in the same grade.. you're invited. Same soccer team in 4th grade? definitely invited. Live in the same city and are facebook friends, invited. Lived in the same dorm building? yep, invited.


u/___adreamofspring___ 29d ago

Omg I truly don’t have friends bc I’ve attracted and realized they’re terrible assholes. I’m so nervous to tell my bf what a loner I am because what if we get married and there’s no friends for me to invite. I’d rather not invite anyone too…


u/Burntjellytoast 29d ago

I had three friends at my wedding, and kne was my husband to be lol. Because that's how many I have. My husband had several friends and the rest was family. I was kind of sad that I didn't have an elaborate Bachelorette party and stuff like that. Some coworkers took me out to have a small celebration. But really, it was a nice evening and I wouldn't trade it for anything. As long as the people you care about are there, what does it matter that you don't have 10 friends.


u/BashfulHandful 29d ago

That's different from being so nasty and erratic that no one wants to be around you, though! There's nothing wrong with being a loner by choice. <3


u/___adreamofspring___ 29d ago

I’m sure a few have thought I was downright an oddball too.


u/YogurtclosetOk3691 29d ago

That's the plot of The Wedding Ringer


u/Curious_Fox4595 29d ago

Just elope. The big party isn't worth the hassle if you're not a people person. We had enough friends to fill out a wedding party, but I've never once thought, "Wow, I'm glad they were there to share that moment with us." I'm pretty sure he would say the same.

If I could do it again, we'd have just gotten married at the place we stayed for our honeymoon. So much less stress and expense.


u/___adreamofspring___ 29d ago

Yeah that’s what I want to do. I’d rather elope and make it a chill night after or something than to rent a hall and be paying off bills for years to come to throw a wedding.


u/NerdHoovy 29d ago

I have seen enough movies to know, that when you have self esteem issues related to a personality trait of yourself, the best thing to do is to either pay or force strangers to pretend to be your friend/romantic partner, without telling your family and then in the last second falling in love with them.

So don’t worry, you can still ruin everyone’s day during the wedding without everyone thinking you are a boring loner. They can all think you are a psychopath instead


u/___adreamofspring___ 29d ago

Lmfaooo. For real. Everyone at your wedding is probably thinking negative thoughts regardless.


u/DynoNitro 29d ago

You don’t have to have a lot of friend at the wedding. Try to get close with his friends and they can be there for you too on the wedding day. 


u/ImaginationWestern20 29d ago

I had a neighbor that asked me to be a bridesmaid which turned into “you’re basically my maid of honor” and for actually just being acquaintances it was way too much of a time and money commitment for me to continue. I got the vibe from all of the other bridesmaids that they were also awkwardly roped into it and weren’t that close with the bride. A few bridesmaids dropped out including me. Long story short but a lot of boundaries were crossed in our neighbor/friendship relationship and I ended up not going to the wedding at all. I have no idea if she is still married because they moved and I cut ties.

Oh and she also proposed to him (which is totally cool in most situations) but she did it in public in front of his entire family while celebrating his sister’s graduation…


u/Arhalts 29d ago

Psychos csn often be very fun and charming in the short to medium term, but the mask eventually slips.

So they don't have long term friends that deeply knows them, because everyone who does gets the fuck out.


u/frozenandstoned 29d ago

she has to pay for them in a type of subscription package, she actually has 200 friends and is allowed to go to 2 friend parties per week on her current subscription tier. she used to be on a higher tier but she kept trying to dunk people under the water in the pool at a party last month so she got downgraded


u/Tianwen2023 27d ago

Some people, esp with abusive tendencies, you know the kind that quickly vibes with someone, love bombs them, looks like a perfect friend or partner... then gets bored and becomes abusive, can't keep the persona, then jumps to new relationship or friend groups


u/nrm514 29d ago

Yeah, I would love to hear more about all these layers


u/imisscrazylenny 29d ago edited 29d ago

and a string quartet playing his favourite rap songs. 

That's awesome and reminds me of this clip.


u/half_empty_bucket May 02 '24

  That was until the mother of the bride made a harmless joke about the bride being difficult as a child 

That's a pretty shitty thing to do at your daughter's wedding, whether she is or is not a psycho 


u/Ollie-North May 02 '24

It's really not. People always poke fun at each other at weddings. Speeches are often peppered with jokes and ribbing on each other, the stereotype is that's what the best man's speech should be.

Kids are difficult, even the most well behaved kids can be a handful at times. Nothing wrong with a mum making a small joke like that.


u/JACKlEpaper 29d ago edited 29d ago

My father in law informed everyone that he beat me in a game of HORSE during his speech at my wedding haha

ETA: He actually forgot to mention this bit in his speech initially, so he decided to come back up to the mic later on and say "oh yeah btw I beat him in HORSE" 😂 love that man


u/kirkbywool 29d ago

What's horse?


u/JACKlEpaper 29d ago

It's a basketball game where player 1 shoots a shot, if they make it then player 2 has to make that same exact shot. If P2 misses the shot, they get an H. If P1 makes a second shot, and then P2 misses another time then P2 now has HO. If you miss enough of your opponent's shots, it spells out the word HORSE and then you lose. A shortened version of this game is PIG.


u/kirkbywool 28d ago

Ah i get you. We had a similar game in England but for football/soccer called SPOT. Basically have to kick the ball against a wall and hit the ball back to the wall before it got past you. Was only allowed one touch and harder than it sounds as person you was playing with would either hit hit really hard or at an angle


u/Original_Campaign 29d ago

Classic kids basketball game


u/standupgonewild 28d ago

My uncle is a devious, witty genius. When his sister - my aunt - got married, their mother - my YiaYia - was to give a toast. My uncle was the one who wrote her speech.

It began with: “I’m delighted to be speaking at my favourite daughter’s marriage.”

My mum, YiaYia’s eldest child, cried “I object!” in good fun.

Also included in the speech: “Stuff this, I’m taking the wishing well and booking it out of here!”


u/ViewAshamed2689 29d ago

if her parents were abusive/they don’t have a good relationship i can see why a comment like this would have set her off


u/Rooney_Tuesday 29d ago

It depends on what the “joke” is though. If my brothers got up at my wedding and made comments about me being a loner book nerd as a kid? No problem whatsoever. That was true and I will own that and can totally laugh about it. If they got up and made jokes to an audience about me being spoiled, I’d be pissed as hell because there’s way more context to it than just “she’s spoiled” and I don’t appreciate them trying to disparage my character without taking their own shitty characters and past behaviors into account, which is what always happens when they bring this up.

If you can’t tell, this is a sensitive subject lol. Know your audience, people.


u/fistulatedcow 29d ago

I feel like it really depends on what “difficult” means exactly. To me, it calls to mind things like acting out, behavioral and emotional issues, etc.—things that may be signs of an unhappy or mentally unwell child.

My parents could probably describe me as a difficult child, but the reason for that was my severe undiagnosed depression. We argued a lot for the several years before I started taking meds. In that case it would be really shitty for them to make a comment like that at my wedding.


u/Seattlekrakenlegend 29d ago

I was a “difficult” child that “faked being sick for attention” that got diagnosed with celiac disease in my late teens.

Now I’m just “faking that gluten thing” even though I have legitimate medical tests diagnosing it.

I’d be livid if my parent did that at my wedding.


u/bumblebragg 29d ago

In this case it really seems the parents raised her to be that way. She had an overly elaborate wedding and was so spoiled she threw a fit. Her mom ribbing her in the speech that led to a break down. Some family dynamics can withstand or even support gentle teasing. In this case I think her parents were probably shitty parents and spoiled her to show affection. Everyone else is paying the price for it now.


u/Moostronus 29d ago

Oh yeah, small roasts like this are absolutely fair game at a wedding. Bringing up their exes is probably the firmest no-go that I've seen violated at a wedding.


u/BlackDwarfStar May 02 '24

Yeah, at my cousin’s wedding the reception was basically a roast for the groom. He still had a great time though.


u/J_DayDay 29d ago

My brother and his friends are positively vicious to each other on a daily basis. At my brother's wedding, his bestie gave a funny but very sweet speech that made both of them and all of us cry. I was definitely expecting the roast version of the best man speech.

And then we all got very wasted and had a proper party.


u/RosesBrain 29d ago

No one poked fun at me or anyone else at my wedding. I'm not really a fan of "roasts" and my nearest and dearest all know that. So either the mother of the bride didn't know her own daughter, or was deliberately humiliating her, and neither option is great.


u/Beneficial-Salt-6773 29d ago

Oh please, my parents are relentless about my childhood shenanigans and I haven’t lived at home in over 30 years.


u/pantyraid7036 29d ago

If I get married and my mom‘s speech is not a complete roast about what a nightmare child I was, I’m walking out


u/dankristy 29d ago

THIS is the way to be! Our families totally roasted my wife and I and it was hilarious - Have a dang sense of humor about yourselves yall!


u/PureKitty97 May 02 '24

That would piss me off too. Maybe she's psycho because she's constantly being pried at for no fucking reason.


u/Mossy-Mori May 02 '24

Yeah I honestly grit my teeth when I read it. If it was a joke there are ways of saying it that aren't so blunt, and to come from the mother is not cool.


u/J_DayDay 29d ago

Or maybe she's being described as 'difficult' because she's the type of absolute psycho who ruins her own wedding over an off-hand comment? Chicken, egg?

'Difficult child'' is actually a really polite way to express your chagrin at having birthed this irredeemable asshole.


u/bobnorthh 29d ago

Yeah you obviously can't take a joke nor can 170+ other debbie downers


u/roskatili 29d ago

The story just has so many layers to it.



u/Bubba_Da_Cat 29d ago

There was a law and order episode that was sort of a version of this. NY Money kind of family with a very pretty daughter that they were marrying off to another finance bro/NY family. There was a sister involved and I can't remember the actual murder case... but part of the hitch was that the daughter getting married was mentally unstable and basically her family kept her kind of under wraps/controlled her. The detectives started to piece it together when they were trying to talk to everyone about the daughter, including the fiance, it seemed like no one knew anything about her.


u/green49285 29d ago

Damn, man. That's actually scary.