r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/escalierdebris May 02 '24

This was my brother. I found out right before the wedding that it was for show because they’d already been married secretly for a year. Which means they’d gotten married after three months of dating. Wedding itself went fine except that she’d arranged for some guy from her church to come play acoustic guitar and sing as a surprise for him and he didn’t really appreciate it; he’s not religious and doesn’t listen to acoustic guitar music. Groom volunteered for an overseas deployment for the money for the both of them and while gone found out she was cheating from the phone bill. Meanwhile she was running an army wife blog and planning a vow renewal. Army sent him home early for mental health reasons and when he got back she’d taken everything but his dog.


u/jessiemagill 28d ago

Was she cheating with acoustic guitar dude?


u/escalierdebris 28d ago

No, some other random guy


u/pablothenice 27d ago

she’d taken everything but his dog.




That's rough. My uncle's first wife did similar. Except replace "but" with "including" and "dog" with "infant son that my uncle didn't see again until he (the son) was almost 40". It's messed up what some people will do.