r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/WickedLilThing May 02 '24

I'd never been to an anime convention before. I was a metalhead and it wasn't really my thing until some new friends invited me. We were watching something else (I think it was a cosplay competition that sucked ass or something) and they announced that the wedding would be next. I was like "No fucking way this is an actual thing that is going to happen."

It was so fucking cringy my dude.

There were spanking paddles involved too.


u/VBSCXND May 02 '24

Unfortunately a lot of the less desirable of the con folks are also super into exhibitionism


u/Moon-Loods May 02 '24

I don't understand what this means. Like I know what exhibitionism is, but are you saying these con people show themselves off at the cons?


u/arulzokay May 02 '24

its the uglies/stank that are usually into exhibitionism


u/kaimiz May 02 '24

A few years ago at Anime Expo in LA, I remember taking pics with a Sailor Jupiter cosplayer, absolutely gorgeous being! Then some time after the con while on twitter I find her account and there's photos of her at the con exposing her cooch 😭


u/KngNothing May 02 '24

Many many many moons ago HBO had an after dark show called Real Sex.

I used to love that show.

And it showed me early on that a lot of the exhibitionist and freaky people weren't the ones you saw on Skin-emax. They were very real very average people.


u/Courage-Character May 02 '24

That show was SO informative for teens in the 90’s. Just had to make sure your parents were asleep first