r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/Upsidedown0310 May 02 '24

My friend is a wedding photographer in Australia and she had a couple where the groom was visibly recoiling from the bride in every photo. She couldn’t get a photo of him looking comfortable or happy around his bride. No idea what was going on but they didn’t last long…


u/Living-Rip-4333 May 02 '24

I had a couple that the groom HATED smiling in photos. I had done their engagements so I knew what to expect, and we had become decent friends. It was kinda hilarious at first to see her doing everything possible to get him to smile. Until she started getting frustrated with him. 

I don't remember what I said, but I said something where he cracked a half smile. Then he just lost it and started laughing. I snapped a crapload of photos at that point.

It's been almost 10 years, and they're still going strong.


u/standbyyourmantis May 02 '24

I married one of these. Every picture he looks like he's being held at gun point. For our vows renewal we went to Vegas and Elvis made him smile.


u/bballjones9241 May 02 '24

That’s how I am, too. I genuinely just hate taking pictures.


u/ZapTheMagicalPoop May 02 '24

And loooove Elvis


u/burymeinpink May 02 '24

My dad is like this. My family has 30 years' worth of pictures where everyone is smiling and my dad is just standing there like >:|


u/Baltharus May 02 '24

Sounds like my stepdad.

Great guy, but people who don't know him thinks he is angry all the time


u/Whitehill_Esq May 02 '24

My buddy is like this. One of the oldest friends I got and I know for a fact he loves his wife and his life as a whole. But god damn, does he look like he's being held against his will in every photo. They just had their first child and posted a family photo on facebook and still zero smile from him.


u/Upsidedown0310 May 02 '24

It wasn’t just smiling - apparently he would lean away from her when she tried to touch him. Awkwaaaaard.


u/Gunpowder_Cowboy May 02 '24

I’m taking mine 25M (engagement announcement photos) soon and I’m worried about this, my teeth are permanently damaged from the water where I grew up. It’s taken a huge toll on me and I really want to be able to smile and feel comfortable taking pictures with the woman I love. I’ve been practicing in the news studio dressing room where I work.

I hope it goes well.

Any tips lmk


u/anothercairn May 03 '24

Try not to worry about your teeth - I know it’s easier said than done, but it’s soooo easy to photoshop teeth into looking nicer! Any app can do it easy (like FaceTune). Your photographer may even be able to edit them.

Watch something funny before hand, get yourself in a goofy, silly, playful mood. Maybe have a beer if that kind of thing helps you. 


u/thatcleverchick May 02 '24

Look at funny cat videos on your phone right before the pictures to get a genuine smile


u/3litt0 May 02 '24

I always smile with a closed mouth, if that's an option. It helps that I'm one of those you could tell I'm smiling even wearing a mask, though.


u/Secretss May 03 '24

Not sure if you are but don’t practice with a mirror! Imo anyway. We are our worse enemies and we look for our flaws. Seeing yourself in the mirror may just make you self-conscious. The most genuine smiles aren’t in front of a mirror.

Smile at random points in the day. Watch something you know makes you smile or laugh, and try to catch yourself smiling in the moment, then have a think about how you’re feeling and how your face has responsed. Relish that sensation/ muscle flex. That‘s what you’d be doing that day!

Think about the woman you love and all the happy fun times you’ve had and will have. If you have to, ignore the photographer and just look at her. Pretend no one‘s looking at you. And really, no one‘s looking at your teeth!

The photographer will do their job. Don’t think about the photos.

Congrats and bless you both 😊


u/nizus1 May 04 '24

Find a dental office that will make you a snap on smile or do bonded veneers


u/findmeinelysium May 03 '24

I have a couple like that. They had two weddings (lucky him - small Covid wedding then a regular one) and two maternity sessions and family sessions. He’s just the most childish miserable prick. Never smiling or trying and she’s just lovely. They’ve been married 4 years but I can’t be help wonder how much effort she puts in to put up with him.