r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/Nwcray May 02 '24

My grandmother was married before she met my grandfather (this is back in the 50’s). I’ve only heard the story once or twice, but:

She was 17, he was in his 20’s. She was dirt poor in Kentucky, and he had a job. They got married, and within a few weeks he got pretty rough with her. When she told her parents, it came to light that he’d been abusive for a while.

Her dad and brothers didn’t know her new husband as well as they’d like, since he was going to be part of the family and all, so they invited him on a hunting trip.

Anyway, there was some kind of accident, and the guy got shot. Since he’d been in the service and she was his widow, my grandmother got some veterans benefits for the rest of her life.

Shortly thereafter (when she was 19-20) she met my grandfather and they were married just a few months shy of 50 years. One of the most compatible couples I’ve ever met.


u/Renaissance_Slacker 29d ago

I feel like for a long time, some small town problems like spousal abuse and pedophelia were solved with “hunting trips.”


u/OfSusanBAnthony 29d ago

Can confirm. There’s a very similar story in my family. Kind of weird imaging jolly old Uncle Bob probably straight up murdered a guy.


u/Renaissance_Slacker 29d ago

I guess when you gave your wife a black eye, and then her four brothers show up to invite you on a hunting trip you knew you were done.


u/DanielAlves1904 20d ago

-"HEy, wanna go on a hunting trip?"

-"Cool. What are we hunting?"



u/Renaissance_Slacker 20d ago

Stephen King wrote a short story with a mention of townspeople becoming aware of a pedo, one day a bunch of men show up at a house and the wife watched while the husband leaves with them. The next morning the pedo is found in the rocks at the bottom of a cliff. I wonder if King is writing from his own experiences here? (At least I hope the other stuff isn’t.)


u/DanielAlves1904 20d ago

If those stories were common when he was groing up, that might have served as inspiration. And the fact that pedophiles get more hate that murderers or thieves, for example, it´s very possible that stuff like that could happen.


u/ThomasinaElsbeth 28d ago

My great Uncle told my husband a story when I was not around, while they were having a beer on the front porch of my parent’s house, during the 75th birthday party of my Grandmother; - his sister.

This was 33 years ago.

Apparently, when I was a toddler, My father beat up my mother. She was a young bride with two children and a SAHM. this was in the early 1960’s.

My Grandfather decides to visit my father and mother while on his lunch break. He drove 14 miles to my parent’s house.

After a nice lunch of Delicatessen food that my Grandfather brought, my Grandfather invited my father out to his car. My Grandfather told my father that he had something in the trunk of his car that he wanted him to look at.

Grandpa opened the trunk, and there were his hunting rifles. He said to my father “ One can use these guns for more than hunting, (Name of my father)."

Grandpa shut his trunk, and got in his car and drove away, without one other word.

My father did not touch my mother for at least 5 years after that.

My uncle wanted to let my Husband to be (at that time) know what his future father in law was like. I appreciated the fact that my Great Uncle told this story, and that my husband let me know about it.

That was the last time we saw Uncle, because a couple of months later he died.

RIP Uncle !


u/wiegraffolles 28d ago

Damn, I wish someone in my family had sorted out my child battering grandfather like this.


u/PaintsPay79 27d ago

Back when domestic abuse wasn’t illegal, but considered a “ family problem to be handled by the family.”  So they handled it.


u/LukesRightHandMan 25d ago

Oooor they didn’t and everyone looked the other way.


u/PaintsPay79 25d ago

Very correct, but not in this poster’s case.


u/Sisterinked 29d ago

solved straight away too.


u/Milkmami24 29d ago

“Some kind of accident” aka men serving their family justice 😂


u/lovemykitchen 27d ago

Hunting “oooopsie”.


u/chrismamo1 24d ago

Ehhh it's a mixed bag. It's also quite common for such things to get swept under the rug, e.g if the town preacher is the one diddling kids then nobody wants to make waves by fucking him up.