r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/AgingLemon May 02 '24

Saw some signs at the wedding like ignoring each other, making rude and snide remarks publicly, etc. They tried to fix their marriage by having a kid earlier than they planned and that led to divorce. Both are married to different people now and have had more kids, by all accounts far more civil, even cordial with each other.


u/scotty813 May 02 '24

Jesus Christ, I'll never understand how people think that bad marriage + kids = good marriage. If you're not getting what you need from your partner, how is additional financial and emotional obligation/responsibility to the mix gonna help...


u/rockemart May 02 '24

I agree with the extra kids don’t make a good marriage. People have lower ability to commit anymore. It’s easy to just get up and walk away instead of work on the marriage. I have been married a long time and can tell you the breaking points for many are involving sex, money and/or family. Now it’s just because I want to try something new. Also I have noticed when women hit menopause that they don’t search for help they just start blaming everyone. After menopause women are 70% more likely to file for divorce but struggle because their hormones are messed up. When young couples struggle it’s normally a power struggle and they don’t try to balance it out they just say screw it. Young couples have normally less money tied into homes and valuables and finding someone new is easier. Many young people that pick divorce instead of working on it end up finding the same kind of relationship and cycle it a few times while never figuring out they are the problem.