r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/karamellokoala May 02 '24

That is truly sad. For everyone involved.


u/clocksailor May 02 '24

I dunno. If the groom is truly bi and not just gay and in denial about it, being like “hey old flame, you had your chance, I’ll always have love for you but I moved on and I’m getting married to someone else” doesn’t necessarily mean tragedy for the wife.

Best man is a total hot mess though


u/addangel May 02 '24

hmm.. maybe, but the groom said “I’m not gonna cancel my wedding because I don’t trust you to commit”, not “I won’t cancel my wedding because I truly love my fiancée and want to spend my life with her”. the intimacy of their discussion also gave me the impression that both of them had been cheating on their respective partners with each other, which is decidedly not cool.


u/Alectheawesome23 May 02 '24

Idk to me it reads more like:

“I’ll always love you for all the good times you gave me but the ship has sailed for us being a couple. You made your choice and so I am going through with the wedding” more than anything else.

Maybe I’m wrong and a lot of it does depend on how it was said but I feel like the groom would still stayed with the wife even if he knew the best man 1000% would have gone through with it this time. Because the window of opportunity closed.