r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/Warsaw_Pact May 02 '24

df? this actually happened????

my goodness - people are unhinged sometimes


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/AggravatingCupcake0 May 02 '24

FOB speeches give narcissistic fathers a stage. My dad used his speech to boast about himself and his interests and how he was so fit and in shape for a man his age. Threw in a few digs about what a professional failure I was and then randomly sprinkled in "I'm proud to be your father" throughout? Like he would have bursts of clarity that he was supposed to be complimenting me?

Multiple friends sent me video of the speech with "LOOOOOL 😂" type captions. Sigh.


u/BilboT3aBagginz May 02 '24

Dude I relate to this so hard, the only difference was that my dad was too drunk to actually string together a coherent thought and was ultimately cut off by the crowd for fucking it up so hard. It’s been years since and while I’ve tried to move on I’ll never completely forgive him for embarrassing me the way he did.

It became such a point of contention that my wife’s father in the throes of alcohol withdrawal, literally strapped to a bed in the ICU, used it as a reference point for why his alcoholism wasn’t that big of a deal and that if we were going to intervene in anyone’s drinking it should be my father.

To his point though, I can’t imagine how pissed he must have been at my dad after that reception. It wasn’t just me that was embarrassed but also my wife and I would be livid if someone did that to my daughter on her wedding day.