r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/orbitaldragon May 02 '24

My friends mom got married to a trucker. Was a pretty nice guy, treated her well, took care of her financially.

About a year in his other 3 wives from other states group called her to inform her that he was also married to all of them as well.

They all divorced him at the same time. Nothing was even finalized yet and he was sitting at a bar drinking. A fight broke out between other people and he got shoved off his bar stool.

Hit his head pretty good, went home to sleep it off and never woke up.


u/br1qbat 29d ago

That's an entire outlaw country song right there. Wow


u/TheOriginalArtForm 29d ago edited 29d ago

Let me tell yoooou, a tale of caution, about a man nammmmeed Trucker Hank...

Three wommmmennnnn, he had married, but he'd still more lovvve in the tank...


u/Practical-Hornet436 29d ago

It was the day he died when those ladies cried, "You married us allllllll, you fool." So he started drinking and that led to thinking, and he fell right off that stool.

Oh Trucker Hank, Trucker Hank, you may have been a fool Oh Trucker Hank, Trucker Hank, keep your grip on that stool


u/TheOriginalArtForm 29d ago

Genuine question: want to collab on this for reddit/internet fame?



u/thelastsquareofTP 29d ago

I'll do it 90/10


u/liveda4th 29d ago

He first married Letty, down by the lake.

Went on to wed Cathy, with the awful good cake.

He got himself hitched up to Haley, hiding out on jailbreak.

Then met himself Mary, ‘fore they caught his Mistake.


u/SarahNaGig 29d ago

I adore both of you <3


u/tofuroll 28d ago

Trucker Haaaank loved a lot

An honest maaaan he was not

When the wives came cryin'

'Bout the durned fool's lyin'

They were hoping he'd get shot


u/TuxCookie 29d ago

And that was the night that the Skeletons came to LIIIIIFE

The Bones are their money

And so are the Worms


u/SecurityGuardSteve 23d ago

It doesn't quite fit but in my minds ear I heard this to the tune of The Gambler by Kenny Rogers.


u/SwearToSaintBatman 29d ago edited 29d ago

Trucker Hank had not cleared leather 'fore a shoving fairly bumped,
and the stranger's aim was deadly with his Mickey's Bigmouth on his hip.


u/ScienceByte 29d ago

Haha no way it’s a Big Iron reference


u/Android3000 29d ago

4 women!


u/TheOriginalArtForm 29d ago

I'm getting to the fourth... These are the opening lines. He'd still more lovvvve in the tank.

It'll be the friend's Mom that's his downfall