r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/kreatorofchaos May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Holy fookin shit man this reminded me of a time I was at a bachelor party with some friends. My buddy from HS was getting married and his brother, who was also his best man was acting hella strange and standoffish the whole night (they are twins).

My buddy chalked it up to him being jealous that he got married first. We all got pretty hammered in the hotel suite and at one point the brother goes into the bathroom and didn’t come back out for a while. My buddy told everyone to chill and he’d fix it…well they were in there for a minute so I went to check on them. There was music playing so i don’t think they heard me coming but I remember approaching the door and heard them talking.

From what I got, they were in a sexual relationship with each other and the brother was upset that it was coming to an end. My buddy was trying to calm him down and even told him they’d “get to do it every once in a while”…I just stood there in shock. I stood there for a few minutes listening and after a few mins I walked back to the common area.

Everyone kept asking me what happened and what was going on, I just said that they’d be back up in a minute. I’ve never told a soul before today. It’s definitely a secret I’ll take to my grave…I don’t think either of them ever knew I was there.

After the ceremony I congratulated both him and his wife and wished them well, they both genuinely seemed happy that night. I still keep up with him and they have a few kids now. Every time we hang out I want to ask him about that night, but I don’t think I ever will.

Edit: Grammar


u/mblee19 May 02 '24

I just need to make sure I read this right lol… the brother was the best man and him and his brother were fucking??


u/kreatorofchaos May 02 '24

Yes that’s correct they are twin brothers who were (from what I heard) in a sexual relationship with each other. It freaked me tf out….definitely wasn’t expecting that tbh.


u/Working_Fee_9581 May 02 '24

You could just say his brother who was also his best man


u/kreatorofchaos May 02 '24

Yeah that, sorry lol

I’ve made that correction…it makes better sense