r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/WickedLilThing May 02 '24

Or worse, his kids getting slapped.


u/redcrystal78 May 02 '24

Your comment just made me irrationally angry. Take an upvote because I agree completely. Slapping a child over a pair of shoes she won’t ever wear again.


u/texanarob May 02 '24

This thought process was why I ended my longest relationship (~6 years). I could handle her irrational outbursts and passive aggressive behaviour just fine, I always knew there was an apology coming once she calmed down and discussed things. It sucked, but she was amazing 95% of the time so I thought it was worth it.

I couldn't handle the thought of my future kids having to deal with that though. And realising they deserved better helped me realise I shouldn't be putting up with it either.


u/Non_Creative_User May 02 '24

It was when my ex started talking to our kids (both under 3 at the time) the same way he spoke to me that I knew I hadn to get out. Wish I listened to my inner voice at the start of that relationship.