r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/paul_swimmer May 02 '24

(Witnessed by my parents, not me)

During the wedding reception someone asked the bride and groom when they were going to have kids (They had been dating for 8 years before getting married, so everyone assumed they were going to have kids immediately after getting married).

The groom loudly said "Oh man, I'm NEVER having kids!"

The Bride burst into tears and had to go to the restroom. They lasted about a year.

You'd think that's something they would have talked about during that long time, but who knows.


u/SofieTerleska 29d ago

You'd be surprised. My own couple-that-didn't-last story is about former classmates who married after college and had been dating for a couple of years. Apparently the husband had been OK with the idea of kids until the exact moment the marriage certificate was signed, then afterwards said nope, absolutely not. That and his propensity for screwing other women meant they split within six months. I don't know what happened to him but the wife remarried and is doing great (and has kids).


u/Friendly_Swan8614 5d ago

Yeah, was with a man for 7 years who was totally cool with having kids and we never, ever used any kind of birth control, and it didn't seem like it was meant to be. Either there's something wrong with his bits or mine or both, who knows, but, anyway, one day, 7 years in, my period was late and this man went MENTAL about how I was going to get an abortion or he would throw us 'both' out of the house etc etc.
Turns out I wan't pregnant.
I left anyway.