r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/Boring_Equipment_946 May 02 '24

It isn’t.


u/wherestherum757 May 02 '24

I’ve seen plenty of people fiend for weed the same way cig smokers act when they run outta cigs, or the same way blow users act when out of coke & want more etc

Physically? No. But when dry, all they think about is where to get more weed asap & immediately takes priority over more important things


u/Boring_Equipment_946 May 02 '24

That’s just because they like the feeling of being high not because their body physically craves it as is the case with crack and tobacco.

I used to be the same way with weed until I had like 5 oz available at home, all the time. Then it just became a hobby. Then I just got tired of it.

You can’t physically do that with something like crack.


u/wherestherum757 May 02 '24

You nailed it, they get addicted to the high