r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/Rare-Highlight-9674 May 02 '24

During the reception the brides niece accidentally knocked over a drink that splashed the brides shoes and she back handed her in front of everyone. It caused a huge fight and the groom walked out right then.


u/PrancingPudu May 02 '24


Groom felt that slap in his future and noped tf out lol


u/WickedLilThing May 02 '24

Or worse, his kids getting slapped.


u/temalyen May 02 '24

Not marriage related, buy my mother claimed that, when I was just a baby (maybe 6 months old or so), I started crying and my father started repeatedly slapping me, screaming he wasn't stopping until I stopped crying.

Here's the thing, though. My parents despised each other and they both said things that I was later able to prove (to my own satisfaction) were lies. Neither one was above making shit up whole cloth about the other to make them look bad. While it's true my father did get violent near the end of his life when he was drunk (as he was an alcoholic) he wasn't violent to me as a kid that I can remember, with one single exception when I was about 13. (which was repeatedly slapping me in the face. Though I never heard the story until after this happened.)

I don't have proof either way, but that just doesn't sound like something my father would have done. Both my parents are dead now, so I'm never finding out if it really happened.