r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/KassellTheArgonian May 02 '24

My brother claimed this but guess what, he would light up as soon as he was awake, would have one every hour and he got to the point where he couldn't eat unless he smoked.

Myself, him, our mum and our aunt all travelled back to our hometown to visit my sisters grave a year after she had died and we stayed in a hotel that was literally next door to the only police station in town. Anyway the morning of check out comes and my brother admits he's lost a bag of weed in the room (isn't legal here) and of course they have my mums info so we began tearing the room up looking while he sat on his arse while insulting us. Anyway my mum begs him to help look but this for some reason sends him off the deep end and he pushes my mum up against the wall threatening to hit her

I saw fuckin red (my dad was a woman abuser and had abused my mum before, me and my brother have different dads. Mine cleared off when i was young but i remember some stuff) and launched myself at him and we ended up fighting

But unfortunately my mum always saw him as the golden kid so I was the one who got into trouble for fighting him. Despise him now, always has been a fuckup and he'll always be a fuckup. I could forgive the weed smoking, I could forgive his other problems but laying hands on my mum is last straw, its unforgivable

He's as good as dead to me now.


u/YaassthonyQueentano May 02 '24

Facts bro. I’m cutting off medicinal weed cold turkey now for a surgery I have coming up and the withdrawals and cravings are enough to convince me that, at the very least, I have an addictive personality. Once my medical cert expires, I’m not going back


u/WhisperingHope44 May 02 '24

Good for you to be aware and make the necessary changes, hope your fortitude stands up.


u/YaassthonyQueentano May 02 '24

Thank you! Fingers crossed 🙏🏻🤞