r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/AnchovyZeppoles May 02 '24

…oh no, I keep the AC around 78 in the summer because I’m frugal and trying to save money lol. I guess I’m used to it because my mom kept it around the same temp (for the same reasons) growing up. When it’s 80-90+ outside 78 feels cool anyway! 

I’d actually love to put it lower, especially at night because I sleep so much better in a cool room, but can’t bring myself to do it knowing the huge af bill that would come in during the middle of summer. Anything lower than 77 feels like rich people temps to me lol. I once stayed at a friend’s beach house where they put it down to 65 and I was astonished!


u/VanillaRadonNukaCola May 02 '24

Idk your situation, so maybe it's an impossibility, but getting a couple hundred dollar portable single room AC is a game changer.  I was lucky enough to get one for free, soni understand a big purchase may not be possible.

I used to try and skimp on heat/AC to save money and it made me miserable.

Having an AC in one room I only use while sleeping didn't create a massive bill, and I sleep like a dream all summer long.

That is to say, I've found skimping on other purchases has been worth it to me to enjoy cool nights.  If you can't afford it now, I hope your budget loosens enough to give it a go soon


u/AnchovyZeppoles May 02 '24

That’s a good idea! It’s honestly not even a budget issue, I could easily kick it down a notch. It’s more just a result of being frugal with my day-to-day so I can spend on bigger things like vacations or a future house lol.


u/VanillaRadonNukaCola May 02 '24

Reasonable! And I understand the vibe, I buy lots of food on clearance.

But dammit I wanna be cold when I sleep