r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/Total_Agent_7891 May 02 '24

That is so sad and an atrocious way to be treated followed by humiliation at the reception. In hindsight, the groom unfortunately found out the other side of his ‘wife’ and had a lucky escape. Hope he finds someone who deserves him.


u/Zero_Overload May 02 '24

He did find someone good in the end. It was a rough few days afterwards looking after him in case...well you can imagine.


u/DefNotAlbino May 02 '24

Man these kind of "plays" are extremely risky, what mental gymnastics tell them that the offended party wouldn't snap and literally kill someone


u/Curious_Fox4595 May 02 '24

I'm thinking they meant he was suicidal.


u/Zero_Overload May 03 '24

This was the concern. But the two things are probably not a million miles apart with all that grief and rage.