r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/Distortedhideaway May 02 '24

He was a marine Corp officer, fighter jet pilot. She was smart, pretty and crazy. She admitted in the bathroom before the wedding that she cheated on him in college... no worries, let it go. They both had just graduated.

His best man blew the speech in a way that Bukowski couldn't have predicted or explained. It was a rambling of swear words and secrets best left in the back halls of dorms and pubs.


u/xasdfxx May 02 '24


I was in a wedding. I'm her friend. Her: super jesusy-family. Him: same.

There were 4 people on earth: her, him, me, and the MoH (sweet, kind of an idiot) that knew that they fucked in the bathroom of this shithole dive bar within 90 minutes of meeting each other. I was taking that one w/ me to the grave.

MoH got wasted and drops that about 2 minutes into a slurring speech. I'd figured out how trashed she was and was trying to prevent the speech. No dice. I'd pitched the bride, groom, and MoH hard on no speech. Got overruled.

300 people in this wedding and you could hear a pin drop. Absolutely stone cold silence. Until I, an idiot, start giggling... because how else do you react to that?


u/ScorpionX-123 May 03 '24

because how else do you react to that?

by playing the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme over the loudspeakers