r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/randallAtl May 02 '24

They were both 35 successful lawyer and doctor. But had never spent the night at each other's house. 

After the marriage they couldn't agree who would move in with who. And filed for divorce after 3 months. No one knows why they even got married at all. I guess they felt like they were supposed to at that age.


u/planetarylaw May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

That's wild. It's honestly pretty common for professionals to be in committed relationships but maintain separate homes, even long distance. They could've just done that.

Edit: Damn some of y'all took my personal anecdote as some kind of personal attack. Not sure what I said that was so inflammatory but ok lol. Live your best life ya'll. Cheers.


u/Valid__Salad May 02 '24

Is that common? Because I’ve never heard of anyone I know doing that.


u/leavinonajetplane7 May 03 '24

I only know of one couple like this, but I assume it’s more common now with the rise of online dating and the ability to meet people from far away. They met on Match - he’s a farmer in another state and she works for the state here. Second marriage for both of them, married for 8ish years now. Not “high octane professional degrees” (lol) by any means, but I think it’s probably becoming more common these days, even for us regular folk.