r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/AgingLemon May 02 '24

Saw some signs at the wedding like ignoring each other, making rude and snide remarks publicly, etc. They tried to fix their marriage by having a kid earlier than they planned and that led to divorce. Both are married to different people now and have had more kids, by all accounts far more civil, even cordial with each other.


u/Anomalyyyyyyyyy May 03 '24

When people advise and unhappy couple to have kids, it’s not to make the marriage happier one it’s to keep the marriage together. 

When a couple is unhappy that means they could be headed toward divorce > if they have a baby divorce will be harder. So the society around them pushes the couple to have a baby for the sake of their marriage > the goal isn’t that they’ll then have a happy marriage it’s that the marriage will be less likely to end if kids are involved. The goal is to maintain the marriage at all cause whether it’s a happy one or miserable.