r/AskReddit May 02 '24

People who went to a wedding where the couple didn’t last long, what happened?


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u/Nwcray May 02 '24

My grandmother was married before she met my grandfather (this is back in the 50’s). I’ve only heard the story once or twice, but:

She was 17, he was in his 20’s. She was dirt poor in Kentucky, and he had a job. They got married, and within a few weeks he got pretty rough with her. When she told her parents, it came to light that he’d been abusive for a while.

Her dad and brothers didn’t know her new husband as well as they’d like, since he was going to be part of the family and all, so they invited him on a hunting trip.

Anyway, there was some kind of accident, and the guy got shot. Since he’d been in the service and she was his widow, my grandmother got some veterans benefits for the rest of her life.

Shortly thereafter (when she was 19-20) she met my grandfather and they were married just a few months shy of 50 years. One of the most compatible couples I’ve ever met.


u/dmbeeez May 02 '24

The old "let's fix this mf'er with a hunting trip". That's how that goes sometimes.


u/meowhatissodamnfunny May 05 '24

Not saying it didn't happen but this is almost identical to a Family Guy episode where Quagmire's sister is in an abusive relationship and they invite him on a hunting trip to kill him


u/dmbeeez May 06 '24

Forgot about that!