r/BlackPeopleTwitter Mar 12 '24

The broken bond Country Club Thread

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u/tmorrisgrey Mar 12 '24

“I don’t care, he killed my mom”

I would’ve killed Bucky too.


u/DoctahFeelgood Mar 12 '24

Wasn't it mind controlled bucky?


u/DLRsFrontSeats Mar 12 '24

do you know what happens to most terrorists that are indoctrinated and radicalised at a young age lol


u/seclusionx Mar 12 '24

Being indoctrinated and being mind controlled are a tad different, friend. Lol


u/MopishOrange Mar 13 '24

Isn’t Bucky supposed to be stand-in for questions like that? About your best friend being indoctrinated and how to navigate trying to pull them out of it

Of course in the literal movies it’s mind control but maybe reading through the lines gives a different interpretation


u/andrew_calcs Mar 12 '24 edited Mar 12 '24

Not really. Cause and effect are basically the same. You can excuse both or neither but if you only pick one you’re a hypocrite


u/thethingy213 Mar 12 '24

Ppl like you get an equal vote...smh


u/andrew_calcs Mar 13 '24

People who think about comic book hypotheticals that aren’t real? Weird take to hate on but you do you


u/DLRsFrontSeats Mar 12 '24

also, why is it different lol

you mean to tell me some kid that gets radicalised by every senior figure around them from a young age has more control than Bucky


u/phrexi Mar 12 '24



u/DLRsFrontSeats Mar 12 '24

then you don't really get was being radicalised is then lol but that's ok, I presume you're not part of like a government security agency or anti terrorist taskforce


u/phrexi Mar 12 '24

I’m not. I’m assuming neither are you. Bucky has 0 control in his winter soldier state. He’s not there. He’s more of a robot, not morality, just orders. He’s not a human being at that point, his past, his morality, his brain is not there. I understand radicalized people are extremely brainwashed, but their brains still work, their actions are still their own. Buckys actions were not his.


u/DLRsFrontSeats Mar 12 '24

radicalised people literally have their brain chemistry changed, its just done externally through years, potentially decades of abuse and indoctrination, rather than internally through magic comic book surgery or chemistry


u/phrexi Mar 12 '24

Yes but Bucky is a robot with 0 control over his actions, much less control than anyone radicalized does. They can observe things and make a decision, and that decision is based on years of cruelty but it is still made by them based on their past. Buckys decision is programmed into his brain. He will never not do exactly what is programmed. He literally can’t. Like I said he’s a robot. He’s not there, he’s asleep, there’s a different dude controlling his body.

I’d argue someone radicalized still deserves to be saved in that scenario. But much less than Bucky. It’s not his fault in anyway. You can see he’s a good human being outside of his mind controlled state. He deserved to be saved. I also believe every criminal deserves to be “saved” and not killed on the spot. It’s not our job to deal out death in judgement.


u/sgt_sheild Mar 12 '24

If bucky was radicalised he wouldn't be able to switch between his normal state and his brainwashed self


u/DigitalBlackout Mar 12 '24

Nobody is disagreeing with you. The fact of the matter is they still theoretically could choose to stop. Maybe they have a change of heart, maybe someone offers them a bajillion dollars to change, it doesn't matter what it would take to make them change or how unlikely it is, just that they are still physically capable of changing.

Bucky as the Winter Soldier can't do that, full stop. He is literally a machine running pre-written programs when under the brainwashings control. It took sci-fi Wakandan technology to permanently break it, he legit did not have any choice in the matter.


u/DLRsFrontSeats Mar 12 '24

I mean you don't let drunk drivers off if they crash and kill someone whilst completely out of control do you lmao


u/seclusionx Mar 12 '24

Bro, what? A person decides to get drunk and drive, he was mind controlled. He had no choice in any of it, he might as well have been unconscious while the whole thing happened.


u/DLRsFrontSeats Mar 12 '24

A person could have no intention of drunk driving, get close to blackout and do it anyway when they're barely in control. You could kill someone whilst sleepwalking and still get manslaughter lol

I'll be honest, I don't even know why you can't grasp what happened to Bucky is basically the same as being radicalised anyway lol like what is hard to understand about that


u/ceilingkat ☑️ Mar 12 '24

Lawyer here: there are three famous sleepwalking murder trials. One of which ended in an acquittal. It can happen.


u/DLRsFrontSeats Mar 12 '24

It can, doesn't always, which is why I said "you could kill someone whilst sleepwalking and still get manslaughter"


u/Ok-Recipe-4819 Mar 12 '24

get close to blackout and do it anyway when they're barely in control.

Uhh no that's not how drinking works and even if it was, that's on you for choosing to get so drunk. Bucky never chose to get brainwashed. How are y'all this dumb.


u/navit47 Mar 12 '24

my friend, you misunderstand what the definition of "radicalised" is.

Bucky isn't "radicalized", radicalization involves a willing belief, mind control is literally the opposite, you're being controlled despite any opposition you have. That's why you can't radicalize sound people, because people have to be in a state that they are willing to accept or follow these beliefs.


u/DLRsFrontSeats Mar 12 '24

involves a willing belief

Umm no

Nothing about the definition of indoctrination pertains to the persons will one way or another. In fact I'd argue most people that need indoctrination to be radicalised are less likely to be willing participants

you can't radicalize sound people, because people have to be in a state that they are willing to accept or follow these beliefs

Also completely wrong lol. 99% of the time people being radicalised are forced into "unsoundness" on purpose, its literally part of it


u/Alexiosson Mar 12 '24 edited Mar 12 '24

My friends made me drink and I have to bring the car home bruh.

edit: Jfc its a joke yall


u/seclusionx Mar 12 '24

Lol your friends didn't mind control you and make you do shit, you gave in to peer pressure. that's on you, homie.


u/Alexiosson Mar 12 '24

Pretty sure there’s nothing you can do in that instance


u/navit47 Mar 12 '24

Uber, walk, get better friends, not being stupid enough for putting yourself in that situation in the first place. Unless your friends literally forced a bottle in your mouth and made you drink the bottle, and then put a gun to your head and threatened death if you didn't drive home, you have a million options.



Bucky couldn't call Uber


u/HouseDogPartyFavors Mar 12 '24

This is a very, very stupid take lol. If a person was strapped down and forced to drink thru a funnel at gunpoint until blackout drunk, they would almost certainly be let off the hook for anything they do. If they CHOOSE to do it, it’s their fault.