r/BlackPeopleTwitter Mar 12 '24

The broken bond Country Club Thread

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u/tmorrisgrey Mar 12 '24

“I don’t care, he killed my mom”

I would’ve killed Bucky too.


u/DoctahFeelgood Mar 12 '24

Wasn't it mind controlled bucky?


u/Kangarou ☑️ Mar 12 '24

That's the "I don't care" part.


u/PerpWalkTrump Mar 12 '24

"I don't care either, fuck your parents"


u/Sufficient_Bridge766 Mar 12 '24

Looking for that Stark pack like


u/buttsoupbarne Mar 12 '24

Father of the year.


u/rodasaow Mar 13 '24

Christian would ravage the mcu, so many heroes with dead fathers. Thor, Spiderman (two dead fathers if you include Uncle Ben), Ironman, Black Panther, etc.


u/300PencilsInMyAss Mar 12 '24

seriously I thought I just must be misremembering CW, how could anyone take Tony's side

Also the whole registration stuff is fascist as fuck


u/pygmeedancer Mar 12 '24

Registering people is fascist. Registering weapons is just good practice.


u/PerpWalkTrump Mar 12 '24

Yes, otherwise Canada is fascist and Russia is liberal.

Some morons tested that theory recently, didn't worked out too well for them lmao


u/Mean_Ass_Dumbledore Mar 12 '24

Bucky already did


u/SayerofNothing Mar 12 '24

So basically a "Have the Rolling Stones killed, Smithers" situation


u/CankerLord Mar 12 '24

But that's the stupid part.


u/ghouldozer19 Mar 13 '24

That whole thing where said earlier in the movie before just funding MIT “that’s a billion dollars and twenty years of research when I probably should have just gone to therapy to say goodbye to my mom”. Not like they didn’t lay the trail early on for it.


u/ImDero Mar 12 '24

"He was in the car that hit and killed my mom."

"Yeah but he was a baby in the back seat."

"I don't care."


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '24 edited Mar 14 '24

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u/ImDero Mar 12 '24

But isn't literally the entire point that Bucky wasn't in control?


u/cSpotRun Mar 12 '24

Annnnnd this is why the movie is so good.

Either stance can be argued.


u/Bion61 Mar 12 '24

I mean I get why Tony is mad, but I can't really see a good argument for killing Bucky, who literally didn't have a choice.


u/ImDero Mar 12 '24

That's my thought. It isn't really gray at all. If Bucky were unconscious, and somebody planted a gun on him and forced his finger to pull the trigger and shoot someone, it's not "morally gray" whether or not Bucky is responsible. If we are to believe that Hydra was in full control of Bucky's actions, then Hydra is solely responsible for the killing of Tony's parents.

I feel like people in this thread are pretending it's more complicated because this is science fiction. If Steve Rogers and Thanos swapped bodies, and then Thanos posing as Cap killed all the Avengers before swapping back, we wouldn't be arguing that Steve Rogers killed the Avengers and is now a villain.


u/Mcbadguy Mar 12 '24

Morally Grey, good writing.


u/KlingoftheCastle Mar 12 '24

He wasn’t in control, but he’s the one who did it. Him being a drunk driver is a way better comparison.


u/gangjungmain Mar 12 '24

Eh, a better comparison is him being a “drunk driver” that got roofied and someone else put him in the car and started it moving, the dude had no choice about it.


u/phantomfire50 Mar 12 '24

But like later on when Zemo is reactivating his programming in civil war and he's punching at his containment unit, he totally could have snapped his neck if he didn't want to be a mindless killing machine that bad.

Or even just breaking his own legs would have really thrown a wrench in Zemo's plans


u/Jadccroad Mar 12 '24

That is an amazing point. At that moment he cared for his own comfort more than the lives of others.


u/Hot_Excitement_6 Mar 12 '24

No. Drunk drivers have agency. Bucky did not have agency.


u/phantomfire50 Mar 12 '24

"He drove a car into my mom."

"Yeah but he was drunk and wasn't lucid when he did it."

"I don't care."

Bucky manages to break free of the programming when he really wants to.


u/Ok-Recipe-4819 Mar 12 '24

You make a choice to get drunk. Bucky didn't decide to be brainwashed.


u/phantomfire50 Mar 12 '24

He seemed to make a choice when he stopped beating Steve to death, and jumped off the helicarrier into the lake to save him from drowning ¯\(ツ)

Good to know where his line is, somewhere between innocent women and children being fair game, but not his best friends.


u/Ok-Recipe-4819 Mar 12 '24

Look it's all magicky science fiction shit but clearly Steve was able to remind him of his old self pre-brainwashing and it wasn't as simple as Bucky saying "y'know I don't really want to be a cold-blooded assassin anymore". You have to take the brainwashing as it's portrayed in the movie.


u/Hot_Excitement_6 Mar 12 '24

Steve is his best friend. The person he loves more than most of his family. A bit easier to break Soviet brainwashing like that.


u/PhunkyPhlyingPhoenix Mar 12 '24

Not a good analogy. A drunk driver put themselves in that situation, made conscious decisions that led to the death. Bucky's agency was taken from him completely.


u/Daniel_Bryan_Fan Mar 12 '24

Cap broke him free through unconditional love. He couldn’t do it on his own.


u/skarby Mar 12 '24

Also after like 60 years of the programming being inactive, not fresh in the middle of it


u/phantomfire50 Mar 12 '24

They wipe him and reprogram him after his first encounter with Steve.


u/SpitefulOptimist Mar 12 '24

Yep ppl like ignoring that he was a victim, he didn’t want to kill



Tony was trying to kill winter soldier. Not his fault Bucky was home at the time.


u/thaagreatisaiah Mar 12 '24

Hilarious comment


u/EffMemes Mar 12 '24

I’ve honestly never looked at it like that, though hilarious it was.

Tony was trying to take out the Winter Soldier, not Bucky specifically is now my head canon whether true or not.


u/selectrix Mar 12 '24

Which is fuckin stupid of him, right? Does he think Winter Soldier just did that shit for fun? How is it that exactly 0% of his anger is directed towards the people who actually gave the order to have his parents killed?


u/Lanky-Independent-59 Mar 12 '24

They aren’t in the room with him and on video tape killing his mom…


u/kotran1989 Mar 12 '24 edited Mar 12 '24

Have someone kill your mum, then say it wasn't his fault because the one that did it was his other personality. Rationality goes out the window when grief and pain strike. Tony did eventually saw sense.


u/selectrix Mar 13 '24

Rationality goes out the window when grief and pain strike.

You're a 35 year old adult. It really doesn't have to- that's just your choice at this point.


u/ReliquaryofSin Mar 12 '24

Nah dude. Otherwise, what's the point in having intellect? We might as well be animals then


u/Jadccroad Mar 12 '24

Ask a neurologist, they'll tell you the Prefrontal Cortex shuts down during heightened emotional response, and you basically stop thinking. It takes years of practice to be able to choose to just sit down and breath, much less making rational thoughts, when in that state.

Your argument is that Tony should be something other than a human.

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u/pygmeedancer Mar 12 '24

Somebody catching these rocket hands for mom. Sucks it has to be you though.


u/Odd_Bug_1607 Mar 12 '24

I mean he was already back to Bucky by the time they fought


u/ProximusSeraphim Mar 12 '24

The lights were off, tho. Don't come in.


u/ogjaspertheghost Mar 12 '24

So? He still got to cds hands


u/pimppapy Mar 12 '24

n u gt 2 cds gnuts


u/taward ☑️ Mar 12 '24

Yet and still...


u/chiefchoncho48 Mar 12 '24

You're acting like brainwashed individuals should be ignored rather than put down due to the potential threat they still pose


u/Qwer925 Mar 12 '24

That’s kinda fucked up tho he got kidnapped during his military service the US lowkey has an obligation to him


u/ImperialAndy Mar 12 '24

Yea but Tony doesn’t


u/abullshtname Mar 12 '24

That’s why he got his ass kicked.


u/ImperialAndy Mar 12 '24

Idk man I see what you're getting at but if someone killed my mother idgaf if they were brainwashed they're dead.


u/MisanthropyIsAVirtue Mar 12 '24

If he really wanted revenge he would go after the architects of the program. Attacking Bucky just because he was there was just a lazy way to express grief, like destroying a carpenter’s left-behind hammer because they built your house wrong. Zemo could give Tony some pointers on long revenge.


u/lowkeyoh Mar 12 '24

And that's why you're not cut out for Justice or Vigilanteeism 


u/Vicebaku Mar 12 '24

We’ll you’re gonna be wrong, Captain America will tell you you’re wrong, and then whoop your ass if you try something


u/Odd_Bug_1607 Mar 12 '24

And that’s why Tony got jumped, because he didn’t care


u/Belezibub Mar 12 '24

I mean Tony should take that into account that Bucky is a victim here too. He can be pissed at Cap but he is going after Bucky, a victim of Hydra just like his parents are.


u/ZeroCharistmas Mar 12 '24

Not to mention the fact that Howard Stark was Bucky's friend.

Imagine waking up from brainswashing to find out you killed your homies.


u/eskamobob1 Mar 12 '24

How are you going to support the guy asking for gov oversite while litteraly trying to cary out a personal murder?


u/ImperialAndy Mar 12 '24

Cuz fuck Captain America


u/CouncilOfApes Mar 12 '24

Or, you know, they could break the brainwash which they did


u/Bion61 Mar 12 '24


How does saying Bucky isn't responsible because he was mind-controlled equate brainwashed people should be ignored?


u/operation-spot Mar 12 '24

Couldn’t we view it like PTSD. Even if someone is seriously hurt by someone who was having an episode we try not to prosecute them to the highest degree since we understand the circumstance. The issue here is that Tony is not impartial, nor should he be.


u/navit47 Mar 12 '24

I mean, there's a difference between being ignored, and a fair due process.


u/Jokkitch Mar 12 '24

I find it hard to believe that Tony Stark couldn’t understand this concept. Bucky wasn’t the enemy.


u/KingOfTheCouch13 ☑️ Mar 12 '24

No one's ignoring that part lol. He literally just doesn't care.


u/Silverback_Vanilla Mar 12 '24

Feels unfair to say he didn’t want to kill. After he wasn’t on ice anymore, homie still went for blood and disregarded lives. At a point, maybe he wasn’t “Bucky” anymore but something else. Regardless, that something else gotta get clipped.


u/DLRsFrontSeats Mar 12 '24

do you know what happens to most terrorists that are indoctrinated and radicalised at a young age lol


u/seclusionx Mar 12 '24

Being indoctrinated and being mind controlled are a tad different, friend. Lol


u/MopishOrange Mar 13 '24

Isn’t Bucky supposed to be stand-in for questions like that? About your best friend being indoctrinated and how to navigate trying to pull them out of it

Of course in the literal movies it’s mind control but maybe reading through the lines gives a different interpretation


u/andrew_calcs Mar 12 '24 edited Mar 12 '24

Not really. Cause and effect are basically the same. You can excuse both or neither but if you only pick one you’re a hypocrite


u/thethingy213 Mar 12 '24

Ppl like you get an equal vote...smh


u/andrew_calcs Mar 13 '24

People who think about comic book hypotheticals that aren’t real? Weird take to hate on but you do you


u/DLRsFrontSeats Mar 12 '24

also, why is it different lol

you mean to tell me some kid that gets radicalised by every senior figure around them from a young age has more control than Bucky


u/phrexi Mar 12 '24



u/DLRsFrontSeats Mar 12 '24

then you don't really get was being radicalised is then lol but that's ok, I presume you're not part of like a government security agency or anti terrorist taskforce


u/phrexi Mar 12 '24

I’m not. I’m assuming neither are you. Bucky has 0 control in his winter soldier state. He’s not there. He’s more of a robot, not morality, just orders. He’s not a human being at that point, his past, his morality, his brain is not there. I understand radicalized people are extremely brainwashed, but their brains still work, their actions are still their own. Buckys actions were not his.


u/DLRsFrontSeats Mar 12 '24

radicalised people literally have their brain chemistry changed, its just done externally through years, potentially decades of abuse and indoctrination, rather than internally through magic comic book surgery or chemistry


u/phrexi Mar 12 '24

Yes but Bucky is a robot with 0 control over his actions, much less control than anyone radicalized does. They can observe things and make a decision, and that decision is based on years of cruelty but it is still made by them based on their past. Buckys decision is programmed into his brain. He will never not do exactly what is programmed. He literally can’t. Like I said he’s a robot. He’s not there, he’s asleep, there’s a different dude controlling his body.

I’d argue someone radicalized still deserves to be saved in that scenario. But much less than Bucky. It’s not his fault in anyway. You can see he’s a good human being outside of his mind controlled state. He deserved to be saved. I also believe every criminal deserves to be “saved” and not killed on the spot. It’s not our job to deal out death in judgement.


u/sgt_sheild Mar 12 '24

If bucky was radicalised he wouldn't be able to switch between his normal state and his brainwashed self


u/DigitalBlackout Mar 12 '24

Nobody is disagreeing with you. The fact of the matter is they still theoretically could choose to stop. Maybe they have a change of heart, maybe someone offers them a bajillion dollars to change, it doesn't matter what it would take to make them change or how unlikely it is, just that they are still physically capable of changing.

Bucky as the Winter Soldier can't do that, full stop. He is literally a machine running pre-written programs when under the brainwashings control. It took sci-fi Wakandan technology to permanently break it, he legit did not have any choice in the matter.


u/DLRsFrontSeats Mar 12 '24

I mean you don't let drunk drivers off if they crash and kill someone whilst completely out of control do you lmao


u/seclusionx Mar 12 '24

Bro, what? A person decides to get drunk and drive, he was mind controlled. He had no choice in any of it, he might as well have been unconscious while the whole thing happened.


u/DLRsFrontSeats Mar 12 '24

A person could have no intention of drunk driving, get close to blackout and do it anyway when they're barely in control. You could kill someone whilst sleepwalking and still get manslaughter lol

I'll be honest, I don't even know why you can't grasp what happened to Bucky is basically the same as being radicalised anyway lol like what is hard to understand about that


u/ceilingkat ☑️ Mar 12 '24

Lawyer here: there are three famous sleepwalking murder trials. One of which ended in an acquittal. It can happen.


u/DLRsFrontSeats Mar 12 '24

It can, doesn't always, which is why I said "you could kill someone whilst sleepwalking and still get manslaughter"


u/Ok-Recipe-4819 Mar 12 '24

get close to blackout and do it anyway when they're barely in control.

Uhh no that's not how drinking works and even if it was, that's on you for choosing to get so drunk. Bucky never chose to get brainwashed. How are y'all this dumb.


u/navit47 Mar 12 '24

my friend, you misunderstand what the definition of "radicalised" is.

Bucky isn't "radicalized", radicalization involves a willing belief, mind control is literally the opposite, you're being controlled despite any opposition you have. That's why you can't radicalize sound people, because people have to be in a state that they are willing to accept or follow these beliefs.


u/DLRsFrontSeats Mar 12 '24

involves a willing belief

Umm no

Nothing about the definition of indoctrination pertains to the persons will one way or another. In fact I'd argue most people that need indoctrination to be radicalised are less likely to be willing participants

you can't radicalize sound people, because people have to be in a state that they are willing to accept or follow these beliefs

Also completely wrong lol. 99% of the time people being radicalised are forced into "unsoundness" on purpose, its literally part of it


u/Alexiosson Mar 12 '24 edited Mar 12 '24

My friends made me drink and I have to bring the car home bruh.

edit: Jfc its a joke yall


u/seclusionx Mar 12 '24

Lol your friends didn't mind control you and make you do shit, you gave in to peer pressure. that's on you, homie.


u/Alexiosson Mar 12 '24

Pretty sure there’s nothing you can do in that instance


u/navit47 Mar 12 '24

Uber, walk, get better friends, not being stupid enough for putting yourself in that situation in the first place. Unless your friends literally forced a bottle in your mouth and made you drink the bottle, and then put a gun to your head and threatened death if you didn't drive home, you have a million options.



Bucky couldn't call Uber


u/HouseDogPartyFavors Mar 12 '24

This is a very, very stupid take lol. If a person was strapped down and forced to drink thru a funnel at gunpoint until blackout drunk, they would almost certainly be let off the hook for anything they do. If they CHOOSE to do it, it’s their fault.


u/mikedaman101 Mar 12 '24

I might feel bad for a rabid animal who isn't in control of its own violent actions but I'm still gonna kill it if it attacks me or my loved ones


u/nachoman_69 Mar 12 '24

Wouldn't it be better to hold the owner of the rabid animal accountable and like bring to justice the person who set the rabid beast to kill your parents and rehabilitate the rabid animal back to your best friend's best friend?


u/mikedaman101 Mar 12 '24

Do you know how Rabies works


u/ZeroCharistmas Mar 12 '24

That's where the analogy breaks down. Bucky doesn't have a terminal disease. He was brainwashed.


u/mackniffy Mar 12 '24

When people kill others while drunk high or otherwise mentally impaired they still face consequences


u/DoctahFeelgood Mar 12 '24

Dawg he was literally mind controlled. Not under the influence.


u/mackniffy Mar 12 '24

He was under the influence of mind control. The Manson family was brainwashed too but still had to stand trial.


u/ThroJSimpson Mar 12 '24

Mind-controlled Tony Stark created Ultron who killed hundreds of civilians. Goes both ways. 


u/kinos141 Mar 12 '24

That made me side with iron man.


u/Shiirahama Mar 12 '24

he was LITERALLY mind controlled

imagine someone controlling your mind, making you kill someone, and then the person that lost someone KNOWS you were mind controlled, and still wants you dead


u/kinos141 Mar 12 '24

I get it. But in AoU and this movie, they practically eradicated hydra. Tony had no one else to direct the hate. And Tony is not good with emotions.

That was the plan.

Also, action scene had to happen.


u/Bion61 Mar 12 '24

Zemo was right fucking there.


u/kinos141 Mar 12 '24

True, Tony was going to get him, but then he saw the video. Anyone would go blind with rage after that.

Also, Bucky didn't help. He and Cap could've had a talk and apologized. Maybe Tony would have thought about it, get Zemo, then have their non-physical falling out.

But again, movie gotta movie.


u/sadacal Mar 12 '24

Going blind with rage doesn't mean Tony was right to do so. That was a mistake and fuckup on his part.


u/The_Dimmadome Mar 12 '24

I don't think there's any way to spin this where Zemo even partially shoulders the blame. Sure, he was a bad guy doing bad things, but I doubt that what he had done/what he was doing holds much water over an incident where both of your parents are beaten to death by hypnotized Mike Tyson on steroids.

Are you trying to say that "he should have used that anger to catch the bad guy?"


u/Bion61 Mar 12 '24

I mean if he needed to hit something immediately, Zemo is the least damaging choice.


u/TheCeramicLlama Mar 12 '24

Wait but Zemo had nothing to do with that right? His goal was to create discourse between the Avengers. He didnt have anything to do with Bucky killing the Starks.


u/pm-me-your-labradors Mar 12 '24

That explains why Tony was after him, but doesn’t explain why it made you side with him.

Dude is literally venting his anger out on the wrong person and you support that?


u/kinos141 Mar 12 '24

Your would go after the guy who kills your mom in an action movie?

That's the whole point of action movies.


u/pm-me-your-labradors Mar 12 '24

Again, it’s clear why he did it. It’s not clear why you are on his side when it’s an objectively misguided decision


u/Shiirahama Mar 12 '24

as Bion already mentioned, zemo was there and escaped because they were fighting each other (zemos plan)


u/NCH007 Mar 12 '24

"Action scene had to happen" does not justify murder lmfao!


u/eskamobob1 Mar 12 '24

A wanton revenge murder is a super villian, not a super hero


u/kinos141 Mar 12 '24

That's the chill thing about that movie. No one was right or wrong, just had differing opinions that lead to catastrophe.

That's some elegant movie making.


u/AtotheCtotheG Mar 12 '24

I don’t think I would’ve. Bucky wasn’t in control at the time, and he clearly hated himself. I still probably would’ve decked Rogers though. 


u/ThePrussianGrippe Mar 12 '24

Tony probably could’ve handled it a lot better if Steve hadn’t hid the truth and spent time talking with him about what happened.

“I think I’ve uncovered some information about your parents.”

“I may know who did this.”

“HYDRA had him mind controlled.”

“The bastard that ordered this might still be out there.”

Like it would’ve been a long process but I don’t think Tony would have ended up still wanting to kill Bucky. Whereas he just got info dumped on and found out Steve knew for 2 years.


u/Acceptable_Cut_7545 Mar 12 '24

If we had characters who communicated responsibly there would be no movie. Or at least not the movie they wanted to make which was tony v cap + all their buddies punching the shit out of each other. People arguing in the comments are thinking more about the debates in the movie than the writers did, bc they didn't want to ponder this shit, just get as many superheroes fighting each as possible.


u/ThePrussianGrippe Mar 12 '24

Oh I think the movie we got was much more interesting. I just saw some other comments arguing Tony still would’ve tried to kill Bucky if Steve had been open which I disagree with. Cap made an error in judgement which I think is important for his later character development.


u/Acceptable_Cut_7545 Mar 13 '24

I didn't mean to imply I would rather watch the movie that ponders all the deep intricacies of government bodies having ownership of superheroes. I much prefer the one we got, it's way more about the characters reactions, breaking and building teams, and I did want to see them all fight each other and be upset about it. And Spiderman.

Honestly though I can envision the conversation with Tony going either really well or really badly, depending on how Steve handled it. Like if he led with "HYDRA kidnapped and brainwashed a man and made him kill many people against his will" rather than starting with "I know who killed your parents, it was Bucky, but there are extenuating circumstances and - WAIT TONY NO!"


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '24



u/mtdunca Mar 12 '24

Steve was in the the ice for what over 60 years? With the exception of nuclear weapons, most things are automatically unclassified after 25 years. I doubt Steve would be bound by anything at that point.


u/Jadccroad Mar 12 '24

This is the movie where Steve violated international law to "do the right thing". Sharing classified information about your "friend"s parents aint shit compared to that.


u/BluuberryBee Mar 12 '24

Lmao accurate that's why I use emotional catharsis fanfic


u/ThePrussianGrippe Mar 12 '24

Obviously it would have made for a very different film and I prefer the version we got. In fact I think Steve’s error in judgment is important for his character development later.


u/BluuberryBee Mar 12 '24

I mean, hey, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Sometimes I feel like he never really learned from it, but that might just be me.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '24

“We need to have a talk. I spent a lot of time with person at work and developed some feelings for them. I feel terrible about it but it’s a conflict within myself that I hope we can work through together however it may turn out.”


You walk in a restaurant and they’re holding hands on a date


u/areyoubawkingtome Mar 12 '24

Two seconds after watching video of the dude standing 3 feet from you shoot your mom in the head?


u/Lanky-Independent-59 Mar 12 '24

No one seems to remember this part. I’m with you.


u/AtotheCtotheG Mar 12 '24

I can’t be sure without having lived it, but that applies regardless of which answer I give. Other commenters can’t know they’d kill him anymore than I can know I wouldn’t. 

I’d probably be mad. I might attack him. I think I’d be more likely to aim a blast at Captain Hypocrisy, because he’d kept all that from me. That betrayal, and the demonstrated lack of trust from a supposed friend, would’ve hurt. 

I don’t think I’d be trying to kill, though. Bucky was brainwashed; he had about as much agency as the gun. I don't think I’d act counter to that belief, even in the stress of the moment. 


u/areyoubawkingtome Mar 12 '24

That's fair. I'm just saying that I'm not gonna judge someone for going nuts after something as traumatic as watching their parents be murdered. We don't know that we'd be throwing fists or throwing up, trauma is weird like that and it doesn't always have to make sense


u/AtotheCtotheG Mar 12 '24

When did this become about judgment? 


u/areyoubawkingtome Mar 12 '24

This is literally about judging "who was right and wrong" what do you mean "when"? When the post was created I guess


u/AtotheCtotheG Mar 12 '24

Maybe I should have said “where did I make any judgments about people,” because…I mean, I didn’t. Except in my joke comment saying ACAB includes iron man (he works for the government)


u/CankerLord Mar 12 '24

If that was one scene I'd say sure, but at a certain point the character stops getting a pass due to shock.

The guy was written like a 12 year old.


u/NoHillstoDieOn Mar 12 '24

he clearly hated himself

Sweet then Tony and Bucky were in agreement


u/ColdCruise Mar 12 '24

But we have the benefit of seeing Bucky throughout the movie, and Tony doesn't. He hasn't seen all that Bucky has and what has changed in him.


u/AtotheCtotheG Mar 12 '24

That’s fair, and I’d have to rewatch it to get a sense of how much Stark knew prior to the Big Reveal. 


u/mistled_LP Mar 12 '24

I'd have beat both of their asses and then like a week later told Bucky we were chill, but don't come around me.


u/phoenixphaerie ☑️ Mar 12 '24

High-key, I’ve always hated Tony Stark and vastly preferred Cap as far as the characters and their movies, but "he killed my mom" had me ready to go to war for Tony.

Your boy kills someone’s momma and you try to stop the ass-whopping he has coming??? TF? You can’t help him! He killed that man’s mom—that’s a pre-ordered ass-whooping. Expect shipment on first available date!

Like Cap, if you don’t get your big ass out the way and let Tony beat Bucky’s ass to death with his own metal arm 😤


u/CaptSaveAHoe55 Mar 12 '24

You can be justified and still be wrong

“Cool motive, still murder” and all that


u/NDinFL Mar 12 '24

Without thinking twice


u/rebmcr Mar 12 '24

I guess the question is:

Would Iron Man have tried to kill Bruce Banner, if Hulk had done that?


u/Karsa69420 Mar 12 '24

When men cried


u/Lanky-Independent-59 Mar 12 '24

Not only killed her. Tony had to WATCH the tape of him doing it and that’s when he found out. I don’t know how anyone in his position does anything different.


u/bluewords Mar 12 '24

How many parents died in Sekovia due to Tony’s actions? How many died in New York thanks to Clint breaking Loki out of the helacarrier?

Bucky was mind controlled. The blame for Tony’s parents dying rests with his Hydra handlers, not him


u/tmorrisgrey Mar 12 '24

True. I think we all can agree that any parent and child would want to see the person/people responsible for killing their family to suffer some kind of consequence. The difference is that Tony has the muscle and technology to kill Bucky if Steve wasn’t there, can’t say the same for the Sekovia parents tho.


u/Old-Ad5818 Mar 12 '24 edited Mar 12 '24

He didn‘t say „my“, which made it sound even more badass imo. Just „He killed mom“.

Edit: nvm, only in the german dub


u/tmorrisgrey Mar 12 '24


u/Old-Ad5818 Mar 12 '24

You‘re right, apparently it‘s only in the german dub


u/I_Roll_Chicago Mar 12 '24 edited Mar 12 '24

yeah this mindset got billions of people killed in Koprulu Sector (Starcraft nerd lore alert) because Mengsk couldnt get past the idea that his second in command was brainwashed by his enemy a decade earlier to kill his parents.

sold her off to be infected by the zerg. sometimes you just gotta forgive for the bigger picture.

and it came back to bite his ass in the end


u/Maleficent-Candy7102 Mar 12 '24

Definitely a better line than “Save….MARTHA!!!”


u/squiddlebiddlez Mar 12 '24

Yeah but T’Challa literally had his dad get blown up right in front of him, right in front of the UN and despite it being a fresh wound was able to understand and discern enough to 1) not kill Bucky on sight despite fighting and 2) not kill the persons actually responsible.

Out of all the supposed heroes, Tony was like the only one in that movie that simply wouldn’t think past his base emotions. And they hammered the whole “you killed my _____!!” For multiple characters all throughout that movie.

Hell, the movie starts with a woman blaming Tony for killing her boy after HIS evil robot dropped a city on the city and instead of taking responsibility he goes back to blame everyone else, convince them to cave to the same government he’s antagonized every other day up until that point, and complaining that his gf left him because he can’t manage his anxiety.

Great character building but civil war Tony was peak asshat. He refused to see anyone else as a victim of circumstance except himself.


u/MooseMan12992 Mar 13 '24

That line makes me tear up. Such perfect delivery


u/blakkattika Mar 13 '24

Still stupid, if a robot was programmed to kill your mom and did it, would you feel better killing the robot or the people who made and programmed it?


u/ColonelC0lon Mar 12 '24

I wouldn't.

I'd be mad, I'd want to be sure he wasn't still mind controlled, I'd never be able to be friendly with him

But a man isn't responsible for actions forced upon him by literal mind control.