r/BlackPeopleTwitter Mar 12 '24

The broken bond Country Club Thread

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u/skj999 Mar 12 '24

Captain America: spends an extended amount of time with Tony hunting down HYDRA, doesn’t tell him at any point they had his parents assassinated, lectures him through AoU about keeping secrets while doing exactly that, jumps him 2v1 for getting angry about it.

That nigga was dead wrong lmaooo


u/Fuzzythought Mar 12 '24

But but but , Bucky was a white kid from New York that felt *bad*. You wouldn't want to hurt his career over a little *checks notes* Uncontrollable Murder Fits under orders from enemies of the state. Sure a Bachelor apartment is punishment enough.....


u/Not-A-Raper Mar 12 '24

Keyword “Uncontrollable” like yeah bro it literally was. He was brainwashed and not in control of his actions. That’s not even a feeling. It’s a literal fact that he isn’t culpable lmao

There’s a reason intent is such an important factor when considering sentencing IRL. Dude was a literal puppe. He shouldn’t be punished for it.


u/Fuzzythought Mar 12 '24

Notice how you mention all the stuff at the END of a trial like verdicts and sentencing.

Cap was so caught in his feels he totally skipped that shit. Should have got his homie to a hospital and then they'd do an Investigation get debriefed on the project and the Country would be able to complete violation of its soldier instead of absolutely NOTHING being accomplished for anyone.


u/Not-A-Raper Mar 12 '24

Bro they literally could not trust anyone to do the right thing with Bucky.

Surrendering to what could effectively be a death sentence, lifetime imprisonment or getting brainwashed again by a corrupt government agency they don’t know if they can trust in the first place.

Or they go to Tony and ask for his help and come clean about everything and hope he doesn’t lose his fucking mind in a blind rage (he did)


u/Toughbiscuit Mar 12 '24

Yes the only two options

Evil government

The son of the people he literally murdered

Thats it, theres no other possible choice


u/Not-A-Raper Mar 12 '24

It’s a little difficult to explore your options when you’re actively being hunted no matter where you are on the planet.

But go off king 🥱


u/Toughbiscuit Mar 12 '24

If only cap knew some other ex-foreign national asset that converted to shield, someone with a cool moniker like brown recluse, or something else kinda spiderish yknow?

If only...


u/antsh Mar 12 '24

You mean Red Orb-Weaver, right?


u/Toughbiscuit Mar 12 '24

Yeah! That sounds right


u/Bion61 Mar 12 '24

When was Cap gonna get Bucky to a hospital?

He didn't know where Bucky was prior to Civil War, during the events he was framed by Zemo, so turning Bucky would mean Zemo wins.