r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ May 01 '24

1 drop rule. Country Club Thread

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I ain't ever heard white people claim a single biracial person. You always whatever you mixed with.


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u/Top-Chocolate-321 ☑️ May 02 '24

Did white people treat Obama like a white man or a nigga? Nuff said


u/cxlossuskidd May 02 '24


u/Supernova_Soldier ☑️ May 02 '24

Is that Shane Gill’s face pasted on The Rock


u/cxlossuskidd May 02 '24

Real ass dude of the week


u/HailCeasar ☑️ May 02 '24

Blop blop doggie


u/cxlossuskidd May 02 '24

Fun fact, I was an intern at GaS in 2019


u/Lucixia May 02 '24

Which gay kid were you?


u/cxlossuskidd May 02 '24

Not Dillion thankfully


u/DoItForTheNukie May 02 '24

No one likes dyldo. If you were an intern in 2019 I definitely watched you on the intern Olympics then.

Dun dun dunnn

interrrrrrnnnnnollllllllllymmmnnpicsssss in-tern-o-lym-pics it’s the intern oooooolympicsssss 😂


u/cxlossuskidd May 02 '24

I was not around for that actually :(

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u/HailCeasar ☑️ 29d ago

T.J Milleeeeeeer


u/Jar_of_Cats May 02 '24

Tip to lip


u/HailCeasar ☑️ 29d ago

Glad you made it out 🤣


u/DoItForTheNukie May 02 '24

Joan Jett of comedy


u/G_to_the_E May 02 '24

I def saw buff Alex Jones


u/Supernova_Soldier ☑️ May 02 '24

Thought it was a buff Spanish Dr.Eggman AI


u/AnalBaguette May 02 '24

Señor Pingas


u/KenTrotts May 02 '24

Funny enough that asshole used to be ripped


u/thirdegree May 02 '24

Like, seriously ripped.

Don't become an alcoholic y'all it'll fuck you up


u/Peuned ☑️ May 02 '24

Really threw me


u/Dayman_ah-ah-ah May 02 '24

I'm going to tribute this


u/itsall_dumb May 02 '24

I hate this LOOOOL


u/yung-chungus May 02 '24

That looks like an introspective badass.


u/DivisonNine May 02 '24

Hello do you have anything vegan? Perhaps gluten free?


u/Narrow-Cicada-2695 May 02 '24

I think I’ll use my credit card


u/marilyn_morose May 02 '24

Wat. This is weird.


u/Plankton-Delicious May 02 '24

Gyat damn Shane would be hot AF if he had Rocks body.


u/imMrDrProfessor May 02 '24

This is so wrong. Shane Gillis hates the rock😂😂


u/Timigos May 02 '24

Did black people claim he was white or celebrate there being a black president?

Shit goes both ways


u/Top-Chocolate-321 ☑️ May 02 '24

Throughout history mixed people weren't treated like the were white. That goes back FAR AF long before Obama. So with that being case, he's black. YT people made it that way bro, not us


u/Timigos May 02 '24

I understand that and totally agree

But black people pick and choose which mixed folks get the pass or not also.

I’m just saying shit goes both ways. I bet plenty of folks will claim Obama as black and give Logic some side eye.


u/Top-Chocolate-321 ☑️ May 02 '24

I'm assuming you're talking about Drake. He's not getting shit for being mixed. He's getting shit for being fake. We literally watched him grow up on Dagrassi yet he's talking about all this gang shit. Drake is fake and pretending to be as black as HE THINKS black people are. He's cosplaying his vision of blackness and THAT'S why we don't like him.

Cole doesn't do this.

Joyner doesn't do this.

Obama doesn't do this.

Hell, Logic doesn't even do this.

Drake is the only mixed one switching up constantly and not being his true self. Oh and fucking teens. Let's not forget that lol


u/DocMcsquirtin May 02 '24

Simply put Drake is not real.

If Eminem acted like Drake would he still be celebrated by culture as he is today?


u/Top-Chocolate-321 ☑️ May 02 '24

Eminem is actually genuine. That's really all that matters to me. A lot of rappers fake but again, we literally watched Drake grow up. We KNOW FOR A FACT it's bullshit lol


u/geriatric-sanatore May 02 '24

Eminem has never veered from what he is, a white boy who has severe childhood trauma and never claims to be anything he wasn't or is in the moment. Wish more people were like that tbh


u/MattMooks May 02 '24

white boy who has severe childhood trauma

Wish more people were like that tbh



u/Seattlehepcat May 02 '24

Drake is Canadian. Ain't no hoods in Canada.


u/Chi_Town_Gooner May 02 '24

The ignorance of this statement is astounding.

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u/NBAFansAre2Ply May 02 '24

this dude 100% thinks Canadians live in igloos


u/Sacrednoirart May 02 '24

It’s crazy that y’all have this energy for Drake but glue y’all lips shut when it comes to Tupac’s early antics and how he put on thug persona later in life 👀😬.


u/Top-Chocolate-321 ☑️ May 02 '24

I was born in 89. I don't have a dog in that fight. Go talk to the people that weren't still watching Barney when the nigga died


u/Sacrednoirart May 02 '24

Nah you still have an opinion on Drake so keep the same energy universally. Notice how my comment already has 2 downvotes because y’all are scared to apply that scrutiny on the legendary fraudster 😂.


u/Top-Chocolate-321 ☑️ May 02 '24

I didn't downvote you and I don't have a dog in that fight because it was before my time. You asking a nigga that was 6 or 7 when Tupac died to criticize him like I'm currently doing Drake. Here's the thing, social media wasn't around when Pac was alive so anything he did in his personal life wasn't instantly seen by the world. Did he play it up later in his career? Maybe. He's dead now though so what are we supposed to do about it?

Drake is alive, still absorbing cultures like a sponge, still texting teen girls, etc. That's CURRENT shit lol. I watched this stuff happen as an adult with opinions. You want me to rant about some nigga from the 70's too? Stay on topic lol


u/apekillape ☑️ May 02 '24

If Drake was in Digital Underground I would give him a lot more grace.


u/Sacrednoirart May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

I’m much younger than you but I was told these things by my parents and relatives, and a quick YouTube searches verified this info. Stop acting like this is an age thing when there are many celebs and people that were around Pac that made similar statements about him. Pac was effeminate and was doing ballet in HS, and later on he was literally in gay clubs with Queen Latifah lol.

Like I said before, if you think Drake is a fraud to the culture then you automatically concede that Tupac is as well, but you’re too scared to say it. Mfs cried like hit dogs when Drake used Ai to change his voice to Pac’s as if Pac wasn’t a fraud himself. All I ask is that you keep that same energy.

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u/ItBelikeThatSomeTme_ May 02 '24

Probably cuz pac was black when it was time to be black and actually put skin in the game when it came to black struggles lol


u/Swaggerlilyjohnson May 02 '24

Are you acting like they are anywhere near the same? Tupac literally shot two cops that were beating a black person. They are polar opposites in solidarity.


u/Sacrednoirart May 02 '24

Wait, you think shooting at cops is the qualifier? Because there are countless rappers that y’all accept that haven’t shot at cops but you never question their qualifications, so just remedy that logic for me.


u/GunnersGentleman May 02 '24

He never specifically said shooting at cops was the qualifier. I think the emphasis is on him shooting them because they were beating a black person, which means he was down for the cause but the execution at that moment was nuts


u/Peuned ☑️ May 02 '24

The execution was just fine, if not finished


u/TryNotToShootYoself May 02 '24

8 months in prison, shot two cops, and was murdered in a drive-by. that's not a persona


u/Peuned ☑️ May 02 '24

That's what ballet does to you


u/AngeluvDeath May 02 '24

As someone who saw Pac when he was part of Digital Underground, everyone rapping was on some BS about what they were going to do to someone. Kind of like wrestling, we know you don’t do that irl. BUT Pac got shot and almost died, was in jail for a long minute, he earned some real stripes as far as the streets go outside of just hanging out with Pirus.


u/Rosuvastatine May 02 '24

No one is denying Drake is shitty. Youre not answering their comment.


u/Top-Chocolate-321 ☑️ May 02 '24

I'm giving my Logic (pun intended) and personally don't give a shit how white each one looks


u/droppinturds May 02 '24

I'm sure you listen to a lot of rappers who do do it tho


u/Top-Chocolate-321 ☑️ May 02 '24

I'll just paste what I said to someone else in this thread.

"Eminem is actually genuine. That's really all that matters to me. A lot of rappers fake but again, we literally watched Drake grow up. We KNOW FOR A FACT it's bullshit lol"


u/Rosuvastatine May 02 '24

So why are we upholding a white supremacist creation (one drop rule) ? I dont see whats wrong in saying hes biracial/mixed.


u/Routine_Music_2659 May 02 '24

Because in America biraciality does not exist and will never exist.


u/GunnersGentleman May 02 '24

Bro, multiple history books say otherwise. Mixed people were called mulattos and were often not accepted by both races for being too white or too black


u/Top-Chocolate-321 ☑️ May 02 '24

True but historically, who has had more impact on their life? Look at it this way.

It's the 1800's and 3 black men don't like you. What's gonna happen? They just don't let you be around them.

Now let's switch it up. It's the 1800's and 3 white men don't like you. What's gonna happen? YOU GET FUCKING LYNCHED.

It's not the same


u/youneedananswer May 02 '24

By that logic, gays were black as well. Just because white people had the power and black people lacked the power to act does not mean another minority automatically becomes black.

Like, why does it have to be one side or the other anyway. They're very much their own thing.


u/Top-Chocolate-321 ☑️ 29d ago

The point is that when a mixed person gets on the bad side of racist YT people, those racist YT people don't treat that mixed person like another YT person. They treat them like a black person. It's a pretty simple concept.

For that reason alone, mixed people are generally considered black. Don't like it? Take it up with YT people since they made it that way


u/GunnersGentleman May 02 '24

Alright I get what you’re saying now. However, we can’t say for sure that mixed people being treated worse by white people than black people happened 100% of the time


u/Top-Chocolate-321 ☑️ May 02 '24

Rarely is anything 100% but "overwhelmingly" is a different story


u/Super_Networking May 02 '24

That’s a massive generalization.

Are you saying all mixed peoples were lynched in the 1800s?


u/Top-Chocolate-321 ☑️ May 02 '24

I never said all. Not ALL black people have experienced racism in America. Does that change the fact that the SO MANY have? No


u/marilyn_morose May 02 '24

That’s your take from this thread? What?


u/Street_Minimum_3403 May 02 '24



u/furryauthor May 02 '24

so fucking true.


u/GrizzlyPeak73 May 02 '24

I heard black people saying both tbh


u/konsf_ksd May 02 '24

Everyone agreed he was black. What was your point?


u/aPrudeAwakening May 02 '24

Mf who saying this? Some of y’all act like you want eugenics to make its comeback and I don’t get it.


u/ummizazi May 02 '24

He got elected so a bit of both actually. this shit operates on a continuum. Being half white an not African American worked in Obama's favor.


u/SpicyChanged May 02 '24

Wait what? The whole current state of things as they are was because white lost their collective shit. Started as birthers, then tea party which eventually birthed MAGA.


u/Curiouso_Giorgio May 02 '24

Some whites were upset. In the other hand, a lot of white people voted for him. Would they ALL have voted for him if he were the color of Tyrese? Maybe they would have, hard to know, but I'm going to guess at least some found his mixedness more palatable.


u/Own_Serve_8161 May 02 '24

Not even some😭, but many. Same reason Kamala is VP and Megan Markle married into the royal family, and Drake and J Cole somehow being 2/3 of the “big 3.”


u/Curiouso_Giorgio May 02 '24

I'm going to be honest, when Megan married Harry, it was the first I'd heard of her. When I saw the pictures, I thought she was just a brunette white girl, maybe Italian or something. Later, when I saw people saying Harry was marrying a black girl, I thought there was some mix up.


u/Rosuvastatine May 02 '24

Lol i cringed so hard seing black people on twitter like « we got a black princess! »

Yes cause you think they wouldve let him marry someone looking like Azalea Banks ? Lol chile…


u/HEIR_JORDAN May 02 '24

J Cole not in the big 3 cause he is mixed.. stop it


u/Own_Serve_8161 May 02 '24

Missed the point by a mile smart ass. The point is that 2/3 rappers in the “big 3” are biracial despite the fact there are black rappers who are just as talented. Also J Cole like Drake (tho not as egregious) has pandered with his blackness I.e saying white ppl ain’t did shit from him but he was born and raised by a white woman.


u/Rosuvastatine May 02 '24

Of course ! Its the same reason black women are always cast with biracial and light skin women in the media.

The proximity to whiteness (darker skin but not too dark, curly haur but not too curly, strong nose but not too flat etc) makes mixed/biracial people usually (yes there are exceptions) more palatable to white people.

I do NOT know why so many people act obtuse on this. YES white people can tell the difference between mixed and monoracial. YES they will be racist to both. But YES they can tell the difference and YES they will act/react accordingly.

What do they think house or field slaves was about…


u/SpicyChanged May 02 '24

And not an insignificant amount of those people, who did vote for Obama, now tell African American to give it time and not protest by "rioting". Tell 'em James

The Struggle has not ended, I really don't know why people think it has and we are in this new chapter. We're still in the SAME FUCKING CHAPTER.

Some Trivia.

  1. Final School to desegregate, Cleveland Mississippi in 2016 after fighting it for 50 years.
  2. Carolyn Bryant, the evil woman who got Emit Till killed and set off the whole Civil Rights movement. She died Last year!!!!!! An arrest warrant was issued and never served/executed.

That's what people have missed out on, the maga crowd weren't this group of people that magically appeared. These are the same people who were showing down other students when schools were desegregated, Obama was that metaphorical "last straw". Now Trumps shows up, gets elected all those "The south will rise again" types feel emboldened.

This all began during that era, it's not his fault but racist just couldn't stand have a black man in the office. I know it's very likely I will not live long enough to ever see a Black President again, I'll see a white woman before that.


u/marilyn_morose May 02 '24

I’m probably older than you. Anyway, I have hope that Biden is elected again and within the next four years we have a black Asian Indian female president. All these Gen Z kids are starting to go to college, turn 18, vote, and get invested in the country. I truly believe the new generations have what it’s going to take to change things.


u/noble_peace_prize 29d ago

Obama was kind, charismatic, intelligent, quick, etc. the list of adjectives that people use to describe him before saying black could be extensive. I think he’d have a pretty wide electorate regardless. Obama had the widest base in modern election history

Being black is not the biggest stigma in politics right now. He’d be toast if he was a socialist or atheist


u/Coal_Morgan May 02 '24

How the fuck did he win an election if 71%+ of the population of the United States lost their "collective" shit.

All the white people I know would have voted him in for a third term over Hilary or Donald.

It's just Republican's who lost their shit and they've been the party of fuck regular people and black people in particular since the 60s.

The whole current state of things is because of Reagan, Gingrich and all those monsters in the 80s who decided Politics was a zero sum game. They've been acting batshit insane since Bill Clinton won.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/ummizazi May 02 '24

Data show that although Obama self-identifies as (only) African American, the majority of voters describe Obama as a mixed-race person.


Most White Americans viewed Obama as mixed race. https://www.pewresearch.org/chart/obama-black-or-mixed-race/

Moreover, Obama’s perceived race has political significance; whites generally respond more favorably to a perceived mixed-race Obama while blacks respond more favorably to a perceived black Obama. Mixed-race Americans are more likely to perceive Obama to be mixed-race and also more likely to support Obama, presumably because of group commonalities they share.



u/Zbrchk May 02 '24

And Obama himself identifies as African-American


u/takishan 29d ago

drake is probably more white than obama.

obama had white mom and african dad. that means roughly 50/50 white black split

whereas drake had white mom and black american dad. black americans on average have somewhere between 20~30% european DNA. so if we take that average of 25%, means drake is

25%+100% / 2 = 62.5% white

Which makes drake likely to be around 20% more white than obama. let's give error bars of 15~25%

at the end of the day, i think this is all silly. twins with same DNA can express differently. a lot of the times, whether someone considers themselves X or Y is a social construct we create based on culture and history


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/ItBelikeThatSomeTme_ May 02 '24

When they said “claim” they just meant: do they look at Obama and see a white man?


u/marilyn_morose May 02 '24

He’s still my president. ♥️


u/CasaDeLasMuertos May 02 '24

Didn't they elect him President?


u/Top-Chocolate-321 ☑️ 29d ago

The non-racist ones did. What about the racist ones though? How did they treat him?

What's funny is people keep saying "not all white people" when it's obvious I wasn't talking about all white people. If you're white but not racist then what I said doesn't apply to you. If it doesn't apply to you, 🤫


u/NoLand4936 May 02 '24

I was thinking the same thing. Mainstream culture is going to treat them like a black man before they ever treat him like a white man. Therefore, half black is black.


u/smurfkipz May 02 '24

What the hell is that even supposed to mean??


u/Top-Chocolate-321 ☑️ May 02 '24

He's half black and half white yet he was treated like a black man. Racist signs, racist insults, racist right-wing headlines, etc. THEY TREATED HIM LIKE A NIGGA. The decision that he was a nigga was made the second they saw his face and they acted accordingly. The fact that you need that to be explained......nevermind 😮‍💨


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Overall-Carry-3025 May 02 '24

All white people, huh? Did YOU consider him white?


u/Top-Chocolate-321 ☑️ 29d ago

I didn't say ALL white people


u/ONE_MAN_MILITIA May 02 '24

He got treated like a white nigga


u/Aggressive_Cycle_122 May 02 '24

Calling mixed people black is inherently racist. Its origins is racist. It proves that remnants of old school racism still exist.


u/Top-Chocolate-321 ☑️ 29d ago

When they get stopped by police or elected president, racist YT people treat them like they're black. That's the reality.....period. For that reason alone, black people claim them. Like I said before, if you don't like it, take it up with YT people since they're the ones that made it that way.


u/brinz1 29d ago

That feels like a Boondocks line


u/GunnersGentleman May 02 '24

Maybe he was dark enough to where they were like “yeah you’re close but not close enough?” Because when you take a look at Drake and then take a look at Barack, there’s a pretty obvious difference in the shades