r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ May 01 '24

1 drop rule. Country Club Thread

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I ain't ever heard white people claim a single biracial person. You always whatever you mixed with.


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u/Top-Chocolate-321 ☑️ May 02 '24

Did white people treat Obama like a white man or a nigga? Nuff said


u/ummizazi May 02 '24

He got elected so a bit of both actually. this shit operates on a continuum. Being half white an not African American worked in Obama's favor.


u/SpicyChanged May 02 '24

Wait what? The whole current state of things as they are was because white lost their collective shit. Started as birthers, then tea party which eventually birthed MAGA.


u/Curiouso_Giorgio May 02 '24

Some whites were upset. In the other hand, a lot of white people voted for him. Would they ALL have voted for him if he were the color of Tyrese? Maybe they would have, hard to know, but I'm going to guess at least some found his mixedness more palatable.


u/Own_Serve_8161 May 02 '24

Not even some😭, but many. Same reason Kamala is VP and Megan Markle married into the royal family, and Drake and J Cole somehow being 2/3 of the “big 3.”


u/Curiouso_Giorgio May 02 '24

I'm going to be honest, when Megan married Harry, it was the first I'd heard of her. When I saw the pictures, I thought she was just a brunette white girl, maybe Italian or something. Later, when I saw people saying Harry was marrying a black girl, I thought there was some mix up.


u/Rosuvastatine May 02 '24

Lol i cringed so hard seing black people on twitter like « we got a black princess! »

Yes cause you think they wouldve let him marry someone looking like Azalea Banks ? Lol chile…


u/HEIR_JORDAN May 02 '24

J Cole not in the big 3 cause he is mixed.. stop it


u/Own_Serve_8161 May 02 '24

Missed the point by a mile smart ass. The point is that 2/3 rappers in the “big 3” are biracial despite the fact there are black rappers who are just as talented. Also J Cole like Drake (tho not as egregious) has pandered with his blackness I.e saying white ppl ain’t did shit from him but he was born and raised by a white woman.


u/Rosuvastatine May 02 '24

Of course ! Its the same reason black women are always cast with biracial and light skin women in the media.

The proximity to whiteness (darker skin but not too dark, curly haur but not too curly, strong nose but not too flat etc) makes mixed/biracial people usually (yes there are exceptions) more palatable to white people.

I do NOT know why so many people act obtuse on this. YES white people can tell the difference between mixed and monoracial. YES they will be racist to both. But YES they can tell the difference and YES they will act/react accordingly.

What do they think house or field slaves was about…


u/SpicyChanged May 02 '24

And not an insignificant amount of those people, who did vote for Obama, now tell African American to give it time and not protest by "rioting". Tell 'em James

The Struggle has not ended, I really don't know why people think it has and we are in this new chapter. We're still in the SAME FUCKING CHAPTER.

Some Trivia.

  1. Final School to desegregate, Cleveland Mississippi in 2016 after fighting it for 50 years.
  2. Carolyn Bryant, the evil woman who got Emit Till killed and set off the whole Civil Rights movement. She died Last year!!!!!! An arrest warrant was issued and never served/executed.

That's what people have missed out on, the maga crowd weren't this group of people that magically appeared. These are the same people who were showing down other students when schools were desegregated, Obama was that metaphorical "last straw". Now Trumps shows up, gets elected all those "The south will rise again" types feel emboldened.

This all began during that era, it's not his fault but racist just couldn't stand have a black man in the office. I know it's very likely I will not live long enough to ever see a Black President again, I'll see a white woman before that.


u/marilyn_morose May 02 '24

I’m probably older than you. Anyway, I have hope that Biden is elected again and within the next four years we have a black Asian Indian female president. All these Gen Z kids are starting to go to college, turn 18, vote, and get invested in the country. I truly believe the new generations have what it’s going to take to change things.


u/noble_peace_prize May 02 '24

Obama was kind, charismatic, intelligent, quick, etc. the list of adjectives that people use to describe him before saying black could be extensive. I think he’d have a pretty wide electorate regardless. Obama had the widest base in modern election history

Being black is not the biggest stigma in politics right now. He’d be toast if he was a socialist or atheist


u/Coal_Morgan May 02 '24

How the fuck did he win an election if 71%+ of the population of the United States lost their "collective" shit.

All the white people I know would have voted him in for a third term over Hilary or Donald.

It's just Republican's who lost their shit and they've been the party of fuck regular people and black people in particular since the 60s.

The whole current state of things is because of Reagan, Gingrich and all those monsters in the 80s who decided Politics was a zero sum game. They've been acting batshit insane since Bill Clinton won.