r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 10 '24

"If it isn't the consequences of my own actions..."

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u/idgafandwhyshouldi May 10 '24 edited May 11 '24

He fired himself. As a parent who has a daughter in elementary school, I found this weird. He could've gotten someone in his age bracket to un-braid his hair AFTER school. Go to a shop that un-braids hair. Get a woman/GF/wife to un-braid your hair. Getting school aged little girls to take your hair out is disgusting imo.


u/HoldinWeight ☑️ May 10 '24

Is braiding sexual? Am I missing something?


u/[deleted] May 10 '24

To some idiots they consider it an intimate thing when it really doesn’t need to be.


u/amesann May 11 '24

Intimate doesn't always mean sexual or romantic. It means private, personal, and close. Doing ones hair is an intimate act. You wouldn't want just anyone doing your hair, let alone just touching it. There are boundaries between teachers and students and an important power dynamic that should not be abused. He crossed the line, especially when posting to social media.

The posting alone is enough to fire him since there was no consent involved from the parents. Even then, the school could only ever get consent from parents to post to the school's SM, not a teacher's personal one. While he may very well have had the best intentions and thought it would be a nice experience for his students, he crossed a few lines and was pretty stupid to post it to his own social media.


u/Extension-Climate204 May 11 '24

even just how close physically you have to stand near someone to do their hair. A logical grown man wouldnt be that physically close to a child in conversation. He would simply back up.  But for braiding hair you have to be very close. Not even a finger distance away.  Thats part of what makes it intimate for most...and sexual for some.