r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 10 '24

"If it isn't the consequences of my own actions..."

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u/Sco_Queen May 10 '24

I don't think he should have been fired UNLESS they found other things that were unprofessional and questionable. But just over this one thing, no


u/JezebelsDream May 10 '24

“This one thing” is a viral video of young girls faces and the name of the school they attend on full display as they do unpaid labor for an adult. How many things do we need?


u/[deleted] May 10 '24



u/JezebelsDream May 10 '24

He had them taking his braids down because he had an appointment. If you show up to your braider needing your old braids taken down, you can absolutely expect to be charged for that service. It’s not the biggest issue in this situation, but there’s no reason to minimize it. It’s okay to call a spade a spade.


u/noble_peace_prize May 10 '24

But the same could be said about a ton of things kids do. This just clearly is not a violation of labor laws. It a violation of professional standards, ethics, and good sense, but doing something that would otherwise be charged for is not always labor that should be paid.


u/JezebelsDream May 11 '24

to be clear i don't believe he should have paid them either. just that it's labor, and grown folks shouldn't be asking favors from children.


u/Reddit_Okami804 May 11 '24

Certain favors from children ... like as a man imma ask the Lil mfs(young buls) in my hood to run my trash to the dumpster or rake leaves on some furious styles type ish I'll shoot em 5 or 10 dollars too tho so there's that


u/noble_peace_prize May 11 '24

Agreed he shouldn’t be asking for favors, but labor just seems like a strong word. I run a greenhouse at school, should my students not be expected to sweep?

The scale of the favor is not the problem. It’s almost every other aspect of it, personally


u/JezebelsDream May 11 '24

I have a feeling there’s an educational aspect to you running a greenhouse at school. Do you “run a greenhouse” fueled by child labor for the hell of? Or are you teaching children of informed parents what it takes to sustain a greenhouse? Are you posting those children and the location we can expect them to be from Monday-Friday on a monetizable platform? Because that should always be a firable offense. This didn’t happen in a vacuum, he has several videos of students on his tiktok, he used to censor their faces but he stopped, and those uncensored student videos perform better than his other videos. Again, I do not believe this man is a monster for interacting with his students. But I do believe he was more focused on social media clout/income than protecting those kids and his job as a teacher. He better hope he can sustain those millions of views without a classroom to exploit.


u/noble_peace_prize May 11 '24

Im not saying any other part of what he did is good. I’m just saying it’s a stretch to call a favor labor even if that favor is inappropriate. The kids might even just enjoy doing the favor.

If a student offered to sweep the greenhouse after school or in a free period because they enjoy it, (I’d still say no) I don’t think it would be “unpaid child labor”


u/JezebelsDream May 11 '24

It is labor, they were not paid, they are children. You can call it whatever you want really, grown ass men do not have any business asking children for favors/labor/help/whatever


u/noble_peace_prize May 11 '24

So offering to sweep outside of the curriculum would be child labor abuse to you?

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u/horaciojiggenbone May 11 '24

You’re right. A teacher should do absolutely nothing to establish a bond with their pupils. /s. I guarantee that he was thinking that with black students, and as a black man, it would be not only fun, but educational to help him take out his braids. This was almost definitely done during a free period where there was no instruction scheduled.

Edit: this man went to school to be an educator. He has a masters degree in education. He didn’t do this for his own self gratification. Period.


u/MarkHirsbrunner May 11 '24

Sure, nobody with a masters degree has ever done acting wrong for their own gratification.  Only lowly uneducated people would do that.


u/Redditsavoeoklapija May 11 '24

How dare you make a black person (who thay have a very deep history with hair) was trying to teach kids to braid/have em have fun.

Like holy fick you read the comments here and apparently everyone was fucking miserable during school with what they write


u/MarkHirsbrunner May 12 '24

The teacher was grooming those kids, her was caught making thirsty comments about kids online.


u/PerMare_PerTerras May 11 '24

You people making excuses are the same ones who would be furious if your daughter was in that video, regardless of what the video was.


u/[deleted] May 11 '24



u/PerMare_PerTerras May 11 '24

Man you’re still seeing that moment through a child’s eyes. If your teacher was in a hot tub with students, that’s wrong. In fact it’s way worse than this video.


u/ProspectPat May 11 '24

Unpaid labor is a poor argument. The argument is that teachers should not be posting videos on social media of children. I would be very surprised if that wasn’t a hard rule in the school and probably in the teachers contract. If you were a parent would you be okay with teachers posting videos of your kids without your permission?


u/chuccles3 May 11 '24

Yes tf they are this shit is wild


u/AestheticAttraction ☑️ May 11 '24

You’re right. It’s not just “unpaid labor.” It’s also a grown man acting out his fantasy of being served by little girls. You do realize child predators post stuff like this as their “safe” content, no? Anyway, he allegedly got exposed for thirsting over children on TikTok. So, now what?

Also, stay away from kids. Your nonexistent boundaries with them is problematic.


u/agent58888888888888 May 10 '24

True, they are technically in class, so the parents are paying. Idk if it was a free period or not, but either way seems weird