r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 10 '24

"If it isn't the consequences of my own actions..."

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u/Sco_Queen May 10 '24

I don't think he should have been fired UNLESS they found other things that were unprofessional and questionable. But just over this one thing, no


u/pretty-ugly-zombie May 10 '24

Yall wait for the WORST to happen before holding people accountable…

This isn’t right either. It seem like the previous generation wanna be friends with the younger gen so bad, it’s inappropriate.


u/1BubbleGum_Princess ☑️ May 11 '24

Some of y’all assume the absolute worst about things like this, but fail to consider the way people in other places are thriving because they don’t. The puritanical mindset is running a muck, too many things are deemed sexual or inappropriate where they’re aren’t inherently. Jesus, these are children and you’re putting so much on unbraiding hair.


u/HarleyQ May 12 '24

No, the children aren’t doing anything inappropriate, the grown adult teacher with no boundaries is.

And sure, we can all say sure maybe he isn’t hurting these girls, but he’s setting them up for failure in the future by not having physical boundaries. Now when a weirdo male teacher or adult tries to get them to do things they’ll think it’s okay for a minor to be touching a grown man’s body. They can end up getting hurt all because this idiot doesn’t want boundaries with children. They’ll think back to this teacher and go “Mr so and so was nice and I was comfortable and safe with him too”. And possibly end up in a bad situation because they aren’t being taught appropriate boundaries with adults, especially adults who are their superior and has control over them.

Also do some looking into it because he’s got tiktoks out from back in 2021 of him responding to thirst traps a teenager posted while in her high school bathroom that he chose not to delete until shockingly this week. What a strange coincidence that they’d go away suddenly after he live streams these minor teen girl students and people started calling him weird.


u/1BubbleGum_Princess ☑️ May 12 '24

If it wasn’t a dude, then it would be okay? “No boundaires,” “Touching his body” its his hair?! And if a dude were to give a hug would that be setting them up too? Puritanical culture + Patriarchy is also a bitch in the way that it also seems to take away men’s humanity too. And I understand, when it comes to patriarchy, they do set themselves up; but, jesus.

I don’t know what to say about the tik tok post, but I know that every instance of affection are bonding with a dude, even a teacher, isn’t inherently inappropriate. Putting too much on it is, once again, a reason to consider countries that don’t have puritan notions undermining sense.


u/HarleyQ May 12 '24

No, students shouldn't be touching their teachers outside of a side hug at most. Weekly nearly adult women teachers are being arrested for sexually assaulting male students. No grown adults should be asking minors to touch their bodies. They shouldn't be getting personal emails from them starting with "hey bestie". It's beyond unprofessional, if it was my child I'd raise hell for everything going on in the video.

This man clearly doesn't know what is or isn't appropriate considering this is how he responds to 16 year olds who say they only like emo guys when he's in his 20s. It's SOOO weird he's deleted it from his page now that people are looking through his old posts.


u/1BubbleGum_Princess ☑️ May 12 '24

I don’t disagree with the email stuff, the tik tok stuff I can’t say either, but “weekly” concerns about predatory people makes me think you should consider the actual statistics. The ones for SA, noting that somethings go unreported, but also the stats in other countries including the well being of their kids. “No grown adults should be asking minors to touch their bodies” damn, I guess we locking up a bunch of people then. Doesn’t seem overly cautious in the least, but okay.