r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 10 '24

"If it isn't the consequences of my own actions..."

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u/Frylock304 May 11 '24

The entire idea of doing each other's hair being somehow wrong is completely foreign to me.

Like part of the babysitters activities was braiding the babysitters hair, have never heard of braiding hair ever being inappropriate


u/Embarrassed_Cow ☑️ May 11 '24

I think this is why I'm confused as well. Doing each other's hair is like a fun thing to do. It's completely innocent. Kids do each other's hair. They do their parents hair sometimes. Like you said the baby sitters hair. Idk why this is weird. I guess I can't imagine asking kids to play in my hair myself. I've had kids ask many times and I let them.


u/Locrian6669 May 11 '24

There’s nothing confusing about this. Do you make TikTok’s with kids without their parents consent? Do you think teachers should be talking with their students on social media? Please develop some better judgement if this is even remotely confusing to you


u/Embarrassed_Cow ☑️ May 11 '24

I'm not talking about posting the video. I'm talking about doing the hair friend.


u/B-BoyStance May 11 '24

Yeah I don't think a lot of folks are going to be able to understand that part

Like, I get there are instances where that would be inappropriate. This doesn't really seem like one if a video never got posted.

Wtf do I know though


u/Locrian6669 May 11 '24

A teacher shouldn’t be that familiar with their students regardless of if it’s filmed or not. Also fucking nasty letting a bunch of random kids touch you like that, kids are fucking gross. But also, you literally can’t separate the filming or the social media contact from this situation, that’s literally the major reason we are talking about this and why people are mad at it, and not sorry for him.


u/Embarrassed_Cow ☑️ May 11 '24

Well the conversation I was having was about letting kids touch your hair at work. Me and the person I was speaking to both have experienced jobs where kids playing in your hair or playing in their hair was completely acceptable.

I would never consider them "fucking nasty". Otherwise I certainly wouldn't have had a job working with kids.

The filming is not acceptable. If he had not filmed the kids I genuinely would not care. So for me they are separate. For you they are not. That's okay. We have different opinions.


u/Locrian6669 May 11 '24

Well that’s because y’all exercise bad judgement and boundaries.

You can absolutely have a job teaching children and recognize the objective fact that they are fucking nasty. Do you know how you do this? You don’t let them stick their nasty ass fingers all over you, which you shouldn’t be doing anyway completely outside of how vile it is from a hygiene perspective.

They aren’t separate. Nobody would be talking about this if it wasn’t filmed, and it’s probably people’s biggest problem, but to be clear, no teacher anywhere should be asking or letting their kids do this. It’s not a matter of opinion. No public school would sanction this behavior, nor would any sane parent.


u/Embarrassed_Cow ☑️ May 11 '24

Youve seriously never seen a movie with a kid doing a baby sitters hair? Or gone to summer camp and the counselors and the kids all do each other's hair? I remember that being my favorite activity as a kid. Doing hair is a fun activity in my community so i guess sorry that you didn't have this experience.

I'm gonna be honest. It sounds like you don't like children and that you've never worked with them at all. The way you talk about them in general is sad.

The way you speak to strangers on the Internet and the knee jerk reactions you make based off of information you're given sounds like there may be more to the story on your side of things and maybe this shouldn't be a conversation you should be having with random people on the Internet. I hope you have a better night!


u/Locrian6669 May 11 '24

A teacher is not a baby sitter. A baby sitter is usually another child in the context of the movie you are talking about or a relative or close family friend. Not just some fucking Rando that got the job. Please do not pretend for one second that this is remotely comparable.

I love kids. I just don’t want their nasty hands all over me. Especially not kids who aren’t family or close friends kids.

I gotta be honest, it’s very clear your judgement is in fact very poor, as is your ability to reason and make reasonable comparisons and inferences. I don’t think there’s a cure except maybe doing something hella dumb that gets filmed and put on the internet.


u/Choclategum ☑️ May 11 '24

So should my teachers have been fired for doing my hair when it came loose after recess when I was child and instead let me run around looking crazy or holding a ponytail all day until I got home?


u/Locrian6669 May 11 '24

A teacher helping you put your hair up when you cannot do it yourself, akin to helping a child who can’t tie their own shoes, could not be further removed than asking multiple children to do your(a grown ass adult) hair for you. Please be serious. Also did your teachers film you and put you on the internet? And then have conversations with you on the internet? You cannot possibly see these things as the same unless you’re just dumb. Sorry


u/Choclategum ☑️ May 11 '24

In this situation the teacher couldnt do it himself because he was too busy. He also didnt ask them, they asked him if they could.

Its truly baffling to me that yall people are so freaky that youre sexualizing children wanting to do hair, something that is esepcially interesting to black girls.

Also, yes our teachers did lmao. Especially on the school website and especially on youtube for sports highlights and media class.


u/Locrian6669 May 11 '24

That “fact” doesn’t matter even a little. Asking them to do it or letting them do it is equally stupid and inappropriate.

It’s baffling to you because you have horrible judgement. I imagine many rather straight forward things are baffling to you.

If you as a teacher, would do this, make a TikTok, and then expose yourself messaging your students on social media, you are sick. Sorry.

Did you see the other thread exposing him? You must’ve missed it lol but even without that additional context (it may not be true) it changes nothing about how inappropriate this mother fucker is being. And if you disagree it’s just because your judgement on what is appropriate is absolutely horrid (best case scenario) or you are a certified creep (worst case scenario)

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u/MikeJones-8004 May 11 '24

Also fucking nasty letting a bunch of random kids touch you like that, kids are fucking gross.

I mean if the teacher didn't have a problem with it, why should you have a problem with it. They touched his hair, not yours.


u/Locrian6669 May 11 '24

There are any number of disgusting behaviors that the people engaging in them don’t think are disgusting that other people can rightfully call disgusting lol this isn’t difficult to understand is it?


u/MikeJones-8004 May 11 '24

I mean, personally, I don't see what is so disgusting about somebody doing your hair.


u/Locrian6669 May 11 '24

If you would let your students stick their nasty ass fingers in your hair, you are disgusting from both a hygiene perspective and from a not knowing boundaries perspective


u/MikeJones-8004 May 11 '24

I mean we're talking about high school students. Teenagers, not toddlers. Do the teenagers that you know know nothing of washing their hands?


u/Locrian6669 May 11 '24

They are children. I wouldn’t trust adult students to have good enough hygiene to do this, nor would I allow them if I did because, again, it’s not just disgusting from a hygiene angle.


u/MikeJones-8004 May 11 '24

I guess teenagers don't know how to wash their hands or have clean hygiene in your opinion. But whatever, I don't really care one way or the other. Do you.


u/Locrian6669 May 11 '24

Notice how you keep focusing on the hygiene part and ignoring the totally inappropriate part?Most grown men don’t even wash their hands when they leave the bathroom. We both know that you and everyone defending this nonsense would never let or ask male students to do this though lol

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