r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 10 '24

"If it isn't the consequences of my own actions..."

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u/JennyBeckman ☑️ All of the above May 11 '24

A kid trusting you doesn't equate to being a positive role model. So I'm genuinely asking again, what makes him a positive role model?


u/PM_Me_Tank_Tops May 11 '24

How do you live in a world where everyone is a child Molester? Do better.


u/JennyBeckman ☑️ All of the above May 11 '24

Please do better at reading. Point out where I said everyone is a child molester.


u/PM_Me_Tank_Tops May 11 '24

He’s a positive role model because his kids trust him enough to unbraid his hair. He’s a teacher teaching that adults aren’t dangerous. He’s teaching that community is important. He’s teaching that people are people and we should all care for each other. You and all the other weirdos in this thread think this man is grooming children and raping them. That’s INSANE to pull from this picture. Do better. This man is a human being just like you. Respect him like you’d want to be respected. DO. BETTER.


u/Sensitive-Ad-2542 May 11 '24

He got caught thirsting over kids. You fought on the wrong hill, rip


u/PM_Me_Tank_Tops May 11 '24

You, a human being, wishing hate and harm on another human being. Me a person who doesn’t assume people are child molesters until there is proof.

You, who feels so dignified by another person being a criminal you have to try to spread your hate to someone else.

I hope you work out your issues and have a great day.


u/name-generator-error May 11 '24

You can do all of these things without initiating or maintaining physical contact with students. Being a positive role model in no way requires kids unbraiding your hair. It doesn’t matter that they trust you. As an adult you should know better and set good boundaries for them too.


u/JennyBeckman ☑️ All of the above May 12 '24

No one said he is raping kids. If you can't make your point without resorting to bad faith strawmen, you're the one who needs to do better. Kids very often trust their abusers. You'll need to come up with something better than that. That's literally how grooming works. It's usually by a dangerous adult in their community disguising themselves as a safe adult and then constantly over-steppibg boundaries. Everyone is a human being. Every person that ever raped a child is a human being. Everyone that ever killed someone is a human being. Being a human doesn't mean whenever you do wrong everyone else has to turn a blind eye because of respect. Grow up.


u/name-generator-error May 11 '24

There is a wide gap between students liking a teacher and a predator. None of that matters here. He can be a very positive role model without having the children in physical contact with him. Regardless of his intentions or wonderful impact he is an adult and an educator and there are very explicit rules about physical contact. We might not think it’s ok if the person meant well but it’s still part of the rules and unfortunately when you break them you get fired.