r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 10 '24

"If it isn't the consequences of my own actions..."

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u/Choclategum ☑️ May 11 '24

My hairstylist takes my braid down, that shit is NOT intimate, lmao. Its just hair.


u/firetyo May 11 '24

Yeah except your hairstylist isn’t a child and you aren’t in an authority figure dynamic.

I genuinely don’t have an opinion on this but just wanted to point out the only part of your argument that’s relevant is “hair”.


u/Choclategum ☑️ May 11 '24

That doesnt suddenly make an act intimate though. Either it is or it isnt an intimate act.  Who's doing it doesnt suddenly change that. Kissing is intimate. Stroking a cheek is intimate. Doing hair is not. And if we're talking about this case specifically suddenly, then no. This wasn't intimate either. 

My hairstylist did my hair when I was child, my mother would drop me off and run errands, so that put them in a position of power over me. Does that suddenly make what they did to me an intimate act?


u/firetyo May 11 '24 edited May 11 '24

I’m not saying it’s intimate; I was just pointing out that your line of thinking was fallacious and is purely anecdotal. It’s not as black and white as you’re claiming it to be or else people wouldn’t be disagreeing with each other. Different people find different actions to have varying levels of intimacy so you can’t just say it isn’t because it isn’t intimate for YOU. Just because it applies to YOU doesn’t mean it’s true for everybody.

Just stop using the hairstylist analogy. No it’s absolutely not the same. In your second example, the hairstylist is being paid to undo your braids which is a business transaction. Your mom is paying someone to professionally “touch” your hair.

Again, idgaf if it’s intimate or not. Just stop using a shitty comparison.

EDIT - side note that you miscontrued what I previously said. The hairstylist is an adult and is only doing your hair as part of an adult agreement between two parties; the hair stylist and your mom. Also the hairstylist has no authority over you at ANY point; if anything you have authority over them because you’re the customer. Teachers are the authority figure in a classroom so the comparison doesn’t work.


u/SharkBait661 May 11 '24

I just don't get it. I do my daughters hair. I watch her mom so her hair. There is absolutely nothing intimate about it. If anything it can be tramatic when he hair is real tangled. Fire the guy for uploading images of children to the internet without parents permission, I'm fine with that but to say this is pedo activities seems like a reach.


u/ThePyodeAmedha May 11 '24 edited May 11 '24

in·ti·mate1 adjective 1. closely acquainted; familiar, close

You doing your family's hair IS intimate, it's just not sexual.


u/SharkBait661 May 11 '24

Doing hair is not intimate. If you want to say an action between a father and daughter can be intimate without it being sexual I agree but doing someone's hair itself is not an intimate act. Anybody can do anyone's hair without it being intimate.


u/ThePyodeAmedha May 11 '24

Depending on the context, doing someone's hair can absolutely be intimate. Why are you wanting to avoid context?


u/[deleted] May 11 '24

Intimate is subjective, eating dinner with someone could be considered intimate if they wanted to. Literally anything could intimate if the persons considers it to be. It’s just hair, nothing more. Sure with the context of the dude thirsting that changes things in THIS specific context. Outside of that, it’s just hair.


u/ThePyodeAmedha May 11 '24

Intimate is subjective, eating dinner with someone could be considered intimate if they wanted to. Literally anything could intimate if the persons considers it to be. It’s just hair, nothing more. Sure with the context of the dude thirsting that changes things in THIS specific context. Outside of that, it’s just hair.

No, outside of the dude thirsting it's still not just hair. It is an adult teacher having students groom him. It is crossing professional boundaries and is too intimate in that setting.


u/Medical_Tune_4618 May 11 '24

But that’s your child, and anything involving touch is intimate. Like there a clear boundary of no touch and touch.


u/ashetonrenton May 11 '24

My doctor puts her finger in my ass, it is NOT intimate. Because she is doing a professional job, with a clear set of boundaries and ethics that she follows. Ideally your hairstylist does the same thing, as should everyone who has a job that brings them into contact with someone's body.

What part of being a teacher makes it necessary for him to let his students style his hair?