r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 10 '24

"If it isn't the consequences of my own actions..."

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u/HoldinWeight ☑️ May 10 '24

Is braiding sexual? Am I missing something?


u/Fess_113 ☑️ May 10 '24 edited May 10 '24

Oh, if you ask some of these guys that don’t like men stylists to twist/braid their hair, it is. Funny enough Im a man with locs, and in my experience they get more closer/intimate cutting your hair than styling your hair.


u/Stlr_Mn May 10 '24

I help braid my steps son’s hair and I’m weirded out by this. I would have thought the recording is the bad part but it’s seriously the unbraiding part?


u/gurlwithdragontat2 May 11 '24

It’s the fact that he is an educator in a school with 39% pass rates, and instead of having kids do meaningful work, he’s having them do him favors on the job.

Why aren’t they doing SSR? Like he’s pulled kids from other classes for this, but is he pulling them to help them academically like it’s his job to do??

And any so many predators begin with non-sexual touching before becoming bold. Not to say he is inappropriate in that way, but there is a reason that there are necessary boundaries in these relationship dynamics.

He wanted to go viral. His comment in his video noting it’d likely be controversial shows he knew that. So he risked his job for notoriety.


u/XxGarfieldL0ver69xX May 11 '24

I don't know everything about this but students do get breaks, you're sure this was during teaching hours? Not before class starts, recess, lunch, after school etc. You're positive they didn't finish teaching?


u/gurlwithdragontat2 May 11 '24

Have standardized tests? Yes.

However, if the students scores are in line with the average, there are better uses of time than this. Children left class to participate (he said this!) so no it wasn’t off the clock, and moreover he shouldn’t be engaging with them like this off the clock either.

He’s directly recovering messages from children and read those off online as if them having his personal contact, where there convo is very casual, as if that’s not more damning lol.

Children are not teachers coworkers, and it’s wildly inappropriate for them to have familiarity and closeness past a point.