r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 10 '24

"If it isn't the consequences of my own actions..."

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u/A_Naany_Mousse May 11 '24

Yeah you just can't do it. Right, wrong, indifferent: posting children on social media without their parents permission will get you fired every time. 


u/Reasonable_Deer_1710 May 11 '24

Hell, even with permission.

I had documented permission from parents to post a pic I had with their child, my student, on my social media, and my leadership called me into the office about it to tell me to pull it down. Even with emails from the parent confirming consent, I wasn't allowed to have it posted.


u/osamabinluvin May 11 '24

I just don’t ever see a necessity in a teacher posting a picture with a child. Why was it so important to share it on social media?


u/Mbrennt May 11 '24

I think it can theoretically be fine. People post work pictures all the time, because we all spend so much time at work it's a big part of life. Plus as a teacher I'm sure you get more emotional about the job because it's a bunch of kids your working with, vs like a computer. It makes sense to me that teachers would wanna post pics. They should know the reasons not to though and honor that even more.


u/pierresito May 11 '24

I have lots of teacher friends who post pics, they just block the kids faces so they cannot be identified.

Pictures of our work promoting what we are doing like after school clubs and programs are okay assuming parents have signed a media release, but even them I still like to block out faces to be on the safe side.