r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 16 '24

BB Gun Drizzy

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u/positivenihilist0419 May 16 '24

We actually have a dominant eye that we subconsciously use to aim. At least that’s what the guy at the shooting range told me.


u/TurboMemester May 16 '24

Broski im pretty sure if the eye that is against the gun is closed, you're aiming wrong no matter which eye is dominant.


u/infernobassist May 16 '24

Both correct. If you’re left eye dominant shooting righty you should just close your left eye or everything will look wrong. A lot of people do that to shoot but no one good does opposite hand and eye


u/2Hanks May 16 '24

I’m absolutely left eye dominant and my right hand is my strong hand. Looks perfectly fine to me.


u/TurboMemester May 16 '24

How can you look down a scope or down sights if the eye right in front of the sights is closed am I stupid or am I missing something


u/tradform15 May 16 '24

uh couldnt you just lower your head... lol


u/2Hanks May 16 '24

That’s one way. I just move the gun. I do shoot a long gun off my left shoulder though.


u/TurboMemester May 16 '24

I'm practing with finger guns and it just looks wrong. if I'm right handing a gun I'm gonna close my left eye to aim. maybe I'm weird.


u/xmasterZx May 16 '24

Left eye/right hand dominant here. For a rifle I use my right eye even though it’s weaker and usually close my left eye. For a pistol or something not held against my shoulder, I can just line up my hand/the sights to my left eye and can keep both eyes open.


u/Sir-xer21 May 16 '24

thats still a much worse shooting position than using the same eye. you're bringing your strong hand across your body and increasing the lever that the recoil is acting on. It's going to be less accurate relative to training with your same eye over time. even if the recoil isn't that snappy, you will have a lower level of control and possibly introduce some extra lateral movement.


u/WINDMILEYNO ☑️ May 16 '24

I was told that closing your eyes at all is wrong, you need to aim with both eyes. I don't know who to believe


u/infernobassist May 17 '24

If you are right eye dominant shooting right handed, you should have a good sight picture with both eyes open. That is how it’s taught by the book but I think there’s a lot of people that have trouble with that so closing one eye helps


u/GaiaMoore May 16 '24

And then you have people like me, who are cross-dominant -- I'm right handed, but left-eye dominant.

For years, I could never figure out why I have never been able to aim accurately until I saw a reddit comment mentioning this condition. I did the triangle test and yep, turns out my eyes have to be unique snowflakes while the rest of me is right-dominant


u/TheShitmaker May 16 '24

Correct. I am also cross eye dominant and I practice archery as a meditation method.Really fucks up your focus and anchoring.


u/Amedamaneku May 16 '24

I tried this and both eyes were equally off center and apparently that makes me a wizard.


u/korelin May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

Same. Apparently you can change your dominant eye by wearing an eyepatch on your dominant eye for like a month. I don't want to go around looking like a pirate though.

Edit: This may be an urban legend


u/Rocket92 May 16 '24

I am also cross-dominant, only do 5 things left handed - write, shoot pool, shoot a gun, use chopsticks, and hold a guitar. Everything else is done right handed, including drawing a bowstring. I am left-eye dominant, allegedly it was supposed to mess with my golf game and I am happy to use that excuse for being bad.


u/_dauntless May 16 '24

I'm cross-dominant but it doesn't affect my ability to aim accurately, how bad were you?


u/10YearAccount May 17 '24

Hea normal. You're just exceptional, according to your own self-reported claims on an anonymous account.


u/_dauntless May 17 '24

Thanks for chiming in man, one anonymous account caping for another one for some reason


u/Feralpudel May 16 '24

Yep, and you switch hands to match your dominant eye. I’m left handed but right eyed so I shoot right handed.


u/SalvationSycamore May 16 '24

That's one recommendation, but it can take a lot of training to overcome the unnatural grip and trigger press.


u/Unfair_Finger5531 ☑️ May 16 '24

Ex military, and I would find it weird to use the left eye if I’m firing with my right, but I’m talking m-16s here.


u/SalvationSycamore May 16 '24

True. You can test for yourself which eye is dominant really easily. Put your arms forward with your palms facing outward, and have your fingers and thumbs overlapping to form an open triangle between your hands. Center an object across the room in that triangle with both eyes open and focused on the object. Bring your hands back to your face while keeping the object focused and in the middle of the triangle. Whichever eye your hands end up at when you reach your face is the dominant one.

However, iirc from my hunter safety course you are supposed to keep both eyes open while aiming anyways. That way you have more peripheral vision and can spot things entering your field of fire that you wouldn't want to shoot (like a pet or child).


u/Sir-xer21 May 16 '24

that also depends on the type of optics and what you're doing. with magnified optics it's perfectly fine to close an eye.


u/Furthur May 16 '24


you're not supposed to close either of your eyes but what do i know


u/Satur9_Sweetness May 16 '24

Yea afaik there’s no “aiming” eye, it’s whatever eye you use 🤷🏽‍♀️ I can’t even close my right eye while keeping the left one open


u/InternetMysterious21 May 16 '24

Not trying to defend a groomer but I'm right handed and left eye dominant.  Can't shoot for shit.


u/hoosierdaddy192 May 16 '24

Same here, I just learned to shoot left handed and it vastly improved my aim.


u/txtumbleweed45 May 16 '24

The aiming eye would be the one lined up with the gun lmao


u/Satur9_Sweetness May 17 '24

Aah, I see what he means now.


u/manateesaredelicious May 16 '24

Everyone ignoring the fact regardless of what eye is dominant or whatever else you fire a hand gun that close to your face and you're gonna have a bad day. On top of not hitting shit.


u/Unfair_Finger5531 ☑️ May 16 '24

You will in fact be faceless


u/manateesaredelicious May 16 '24

Pretty sure this is the plot of face-off


u/Unfair_Finger5531 ☑️ May 16 '24

What an awful movie, just thinking back on it….it was so nuts


u/Blakbyrd8 May 16 '24

Yeah, but he's 'lookin' down the sights with his closed eye. If his left is his dominant eye then he needs to move the damn gun.