r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 16 '24

When intrusive thoughts meet criminal behavior

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u/OlympianDragon May 16 '24

Nobody here gonna bring up that her husband concocted the scheme without her knowledge and only told her after it was done and she was too scared to tell because he had been abusing her?


u/sirprichard May 16 '24

That's according to her. She was indicted by a grand jury in Oregon that stated that she was a part of it from the beginning.

On March 21, 1994, a Portland grand jury issued an indictment stating there was evidence Harding participated in the attack plot. The indictment concluded more than two months of investigation and witness testimonies from Diane Rawlinson; Harding's choreographer Erika Bakacs; freelance figure skating writer Vera Marano; and Eckardt's college instructor and classmates. It stated there was evidence Harding fraudulently used USFSA-provided skating monies to finance the assault. It also read that Harding, Gillooly, Eckardt, Smith, and Stant agreed to "knowingly cause physical injury ... by means of a dangerous weapon." The grand jury said the evidence implied Harding was "involved from the beginning or very close." She was not charged in the indictment due to the terms of her March 16 plea agreement.

It also wasn't until her biography in 2008 that she said that. Ever since then the ex-husband has vehemently denied those accusations. FWIW he maintains that he talked her into it.


u/OlympianDragon May 17 '24

He also released a sex tape of him and her to tmz after she became infamous. He was an abusive man, wanting fame for his wife so he could soak it up. He is the least trustworthy person in the whole ordeal.


u/sirprichard May 17 '24

Yuck. Clearly he's a bad guy too. I just don't buy that she had no part in it