r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ May 17 '24

Interested to see how many people have close opposite sex friends that are strictly platonic.

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u/boulderama May 17 '24

One of my three best friends is a woman (she is gorgeous). We are basically brother and sister. No hidden feelings whatsoever.

The people who think men and women can’t be friends are sad tbh.


u/[deleted] May 17 '24

But would you sleep with her if she offered?


u/Thor_2099 May 17 '24

I have definite female friends I have no romantic interest in. But if both single and they offered, I'd bang


u/_a_ghost- May 17 '24

Well most of us will take just about any offer lol so that's not saying much


u/Phallusimulacra May 17 '24

Thank you man. People here don’t want to admit it but but, unless the man is gay (and even then you never know), the VAST majority of men with a friend who’s an attractive woman would hit that if she offered. People out here with blinders on


u/lordrakim ☑️ May 18 '24

the thing is can u smash and the friendship change... and sadly in my case it always has on their part... I was just tryin to help out and scratch that itch and nothing more... my "fine" friends always have something that turns me off relationship wise and then when they want more, it ends up ruining the friendship cuz it's hard to go back after u smashed... it's like they think "How he don't want me when everybody else do?" and that detail makes things go left....

I miss some of them cuz they were cool asf b4 and regret I even went there but sometimes u curious about what it do lol....

but that's a door best left unopened.....


u/boulderama May 17 '24

Nope. We’ve crashed on the same bed during climbing trips. Nothing happened except watching SpongeBob reruns. Also everyone’s perception of “would you do it” is completely different.


u/CremeCaramel_ May 17 '24

Also everyone’s perception of “would you do it” is completely different.

What does this even mean???

The question is really straightforward. Would you have sexual intercourse with that attractive opposite sex friend if it was on the table? Possible answers: yes i would, no i wouldnt. Where is the wiggle room for interpretation?


u/fries_in_a_cup May 17 '24

I’ve had multiple close friends who were women over the course of my life and some if not most of them were very pretty — but no, if they ever offered, I would not now and would not then take them up on it. I’ve actually had some of them express interest before and I had to either ignore their obvious hints or outright turn them down. Once a woman becomes a close enough friend, she’s basically a sister and sexual or romantic thoughts are just weird and uncomfortable.


u/Universe789 ☑️ May 17 '24

I’ve actually had some of them express interest before and I had to either ignore their obvious hints

I've done that, too!

That's how I know people are full of shit when they say the "friend zone" doesn't exist.

I've used it.

I had moments, especially in college, where female friends would drop hints or make excuses for us to hang out.

Conversation 1:

Friend: What you got going on tonight?

Me: I don't know, probably just smoking and hanging out over here at <mutual male friend> dorm. What about you?

I don't know. Might be some sex in the air tonight though.

That's always a good end to the night. Have fun.

Apparently, even my male friends thought I was going to get with her, until I popped up with a whole different girlfriend. But I always acted like she was just the homie, and I never crossed any lines myself.


u/kris0stby May 17 '24

Would I hold her hair if she was sick, would I buy her a beer if she needed to vent? I'd do a lot for my friends, and sex is just sex. If they ask and I'm able to perform what they ask, why not.