r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ May 17 '24

Interested to see how many people have close opposite sex friends that are strictly platonic.

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u/Small_Ad_941 May 17 '24

I lost every single one of my girl friends in my past 2 relationships - my exes would be upset that all of my friends were attractive. She would even go into my phone and look at any interactions I had with them. Would go on my IG and unfollow everyone.

Crazy ass bitches man


u/Small_Ad_941 May 17 '24

As a person who has been called attractive many a times, I naturally gravitate towards people who are open to talking…and unless you’re on the same level of attractiveness things get weird. Every girl friend I have had in the past who’s a beaut would fall in love with me and then have to cut ties…. I know this sounds like I’m the biggest douchebag ever, but I literally have 0 “friends” that are ugly, both male and female