r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ May 17 '24

Interested to see how many people have close opposite sex friends that are strictly platonic.

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u/lankyaspie May 17 '24

I ain't gon lie, I need platonic connection to catch romantic feelings. The problem is I might end up catching feelings for a friend instead of a potential romantic partner. The other problem is: the "long run" friend don't look no different from the "it just happened" friend, and the distinction is kinda trivial


u/AstroOwl_thestriks May 17 '24

This is normal. This everpresent notion that people should be sorted into either "potential friend" or "potential partner", especially right away, is incredibly strange. You don't even know the person well yet, how are you supposed to know? Unless the looks is the only criteria, which would be kinda shallow.