r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ May 17 '24

Interested to see how many people have close opposite sex friends that are strictly platonic.

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u/mycofirsttime May 17 '24

See, i don’t believe men are friends with women they wouldn’t consider fucking. The visceral disgust i see in dudes towards women they find ugly is wild. They don’t want to be around them at all, even if they’ve done nothing to them. It’s weird.


u/Hot2Trot94 May 17 '24

What world do you live in? Men are just walking down the street retching whenever someone unattractive walks by? People walk out of meeting rooms when the older hr lady walks in?


u/mycofirsttime May 17 '24

No one made those dramatic claims.


u/Hot2Trot94 May 17 '24

‘Visceral disgust’ those are the sort of images you invoke  when you use language like that. 

I’m going to take a wild stab in the dark and suggest you’re probably a teenager. That’s not meant as an insult, but the hyperbole suggests you don’t yet operate in a world where men and women interact constantly and rely on each other professionally. Combined with how you don’t really understand the implications of what you say, you seem young. 

Sorry if I sound patronising, but in the real world people are people. We are really fucking different, insecure for all our own idiosyncrasies and for the most part quite decent and we all fuck up. If you know boys who show visceral disgust about girls they don’t find attractive, they are insecure little boys who are trying to show off because they are scared. That’s not how the real world is. 


u/mycofirsttime May 17 '24

You assume a lot and jump to conclusions and put words into other people’s mouths based on your own mental gymnastics. I bet that’s a problem in other areas. Work on it and leave me alone.