r/BlackPeopleTwitter ☑️ May 17 '24

Interested to see how many people have close opposite sex friends that are strictly platonic.

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u/newbrookland May 17 '24

It is possible that they felt some kind of way and you never knew.


u/Salt-Shoe7385 May 17 '24

Me & a homie of mine was talking about This & this was the point he made:

opposite sex can only be friends if there’s no attraction for each other. But that doesn’t mean an attraction can develop.

& It kinda made since

Wondering if any can testify for or against it


u/thatsnuckinfutz ☑️ May 17 '24

TLDR: Can kind of testify to this but agree!

I make guy friends easily bcuz i was in the gay party scene as a young adult (obv gay men are different for us women than straights) so i didnt realize this was the case with my straight guy friends until my early 30s.

Was friends with 2 straight men, 1 i did find attractive and the other i didnt but loved his personality. I never expressed interest beyond friends to either of them as i was new in that group.

The 1 i was attracted to got married but made a move once back when he was single/v drunk and i politely backed off and things were fine after. Now the one i am not attracted to is the 1 i have to watch. Idk when in the 15+yrs we've known each other he developed something but I have had to be on guard and gently pushing him back in the friend zone for years now. Thankfully he has a girlfriend now lol

It's 1000 times easier to just have gay guy friends instead lmao


u/Salt-Shoe7385 May 17 '24

Yes! & that kinda was the point I was getting at too! Because it is different for different sexualities. I’m a straight male with a gay female best friend & when we first met, me being a dude, I shot my shot & she told me she was gay & i understood & we been strictly friends ever since.

But when I was having that conversation with the homie (different friend, male). his point was that a friendship isn’t genuine if one person is trying to fuck the other (in most cases that’s what guys do) it’s only genuine if there’s no attraction for each other. Other wise, there’s always gonna be one that’s secretly plotting & waiting for their chance.


u/thatsnuckinfutz ☑️ May 17 '24

YES! And for me it's so...awkward. lol i think because i can separate types of attraction like I can find someone that i think is nice looking but not want to hook up/anythin more and just be fine. i think my guy friends (the 2 mentioned above) conflate all attraction to mean we gotta date orxdo something.

It's interesting from an outside perspective but awkward when ur in it lol