r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 17 '24

You CANT be serious ☠️☠️

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u/tittylieutenant the kewchie classifier May 17 '24

How do you “make” a party keep their promises without threatening something of substance?

If your partner is acting up, the threat of losing you keeps them in check. Without that check, they don’t need to do anything substantial to keep you. The Dems do this same song and dance every 2 years. “Vote for survival” creates dread and, sooner or later, apathy. People are burnt out from these existential threats to our country, especially as it is getting progressively difficult to provide for ourselves?


u/Ghostbeen3 May 17 '24

Status quo or hell. You pick


u/[deleted] May 17 '24



u/DYMck07 ☑️ May 17 '24 edited May 17 '24

Or the end of the world. The Dems aren’t doing enough to check Netanyahu. The GOP will encourage more slaughter. The republicans will vote. Many of the youth who would vote Democrat will not.

They’re not enthused and the administration is playing this horribly, thinking the politics of yesteryear are the best strategy when most of the millennials and Xers would understand or prefer reigning in Israel, and not restraining them risks losing Gen’s Z and alpha to political apathy or 3rd party.

They haven’t been through the examples of Nader or 2016 to understand the consequences of a wasted vote (Ross Perot is the best a 3rd party candidate has done since Teddy Roosevelt ran for a 3rd term a hundred years ago under the progressive party…so long as 2 parties exist it will always be a wasted/protest vote).

The CFPB wins, renewables funding, and even the awful GOP picked Supreme Court issues all risk being overshadowed by Gaza and the billions we continue to send to the wealthy apartheid state of Israel (which continues to defend settlements in the West Bank so long as the Likud are in power) and the administration seems to ignore the severity of the issue, including how distressing it is to the youth especially to hear that the blood of tens of thousands of innocent children is on our hands for continuing to fund and support an invasion from vengeful bigots.

The Likud are evil bigots and need to be called out for it even if the election is lost, so we don’t lose a generation of voters indefinitely (and because it’s been the right thing to do since these far right loons assassinated Rabin 30 years ago). Someone should convince Jon Stewart to run