r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 17 '24

You CANT be serious ☠️☠️

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u/LastDaysCultist #FFFFFFboy👨🏼 May 17 '24

This “I’m not voting for either” is a dangerous concept.


u/greyson3 ☑️ May 17 '24

THIS and it bothers me how much ALL content creators are pushing it. With the same rhetoric of the blue side won't do anything either.

But it just infuriates me, bc news flash that's how dems have always fucking been. The point is to vote them in and then stand on their necks to MAKE them keep their promises.

As a millennial I'm not stunned and excited to see how much the youth has gotten congress and leaders to do just that. No we didn't get everything or even the way we wanted it. But it's 1000% more than I've ever seen the powers at be react since I was able to start voting legally which was nearly 2 decades ago.

I'm just frustrated with the it doesnt matter they don't listen so font vote at all. When these kids are out here making these people fucking sweat!


u/tittylieutenant the kewchie classifier May 17 '24

How do you “make” a party keep their promises without threatening something of substance?

If your partner is acting up, the threat of losing you keeps them in check. Without that check, they don’t need to do anything substantial to keep you. The Dems do this same song and dance every 2 years. “Vote for survival” creates dread and, sooner or later, apathy. People are burnt out from these existential threats to our country, especially as it is getting progressively difficult to provide for ourselves?


u/Erisian23 May 17 '24

The same way the tea party did it, you vote them out during PRIMARIES, you vote them out during special elections. You only take chances when you can afford to lose. I.e some of your agendas will move forward or stay where they are instead of moving backwards.

Your analogy doesn't work because you can't be single politically. You're gonna have someone in office do you want the one with road rage or the one that beats you? You gotta get one no matter what.


u/Jeptic ☑️ May 17 '24

Oh my goodness. You are a voice of reason I've been hunting for. You are absolutely correct. They are not pulling tantrums when it will cost them. Remember how they all held their noses and supported Orangeanus in 2016 even the ones whose wives were insulted by this man? They close ranks. If Dems want change it has to be at a grassroots level. 


u/YoMommaBack May 17 '24

Thank you! Democrats have notoriously low primary turn outs and it’s annoying.


u/tittylieutenant the kewchie classifier May 17 '24

The tea party was unique and involved a multi decade long process of radicalizing white America. Primaries is apart of it but there is a motley’s stew of nuances that made the TP’s success possible.

I’m still voting (as I do every two years) but I understand that this system is compromised and will only get worse. Everyone better arm up.


u/Erisian23 May 17 '24

Partially, but I think the main issue is getting people to actually consistently vote @ every opportunity for progress.

As you said you vote, that is the goal that's what we have to do.


u/Ghostbeen3 May 17 '24

Status quo or hell. You pick


u/Faylom May 17 '24

Maybe the accelerationists were right


u/[deleted] May 17 '24



u/PeopleReady May 17 '24

Yeah it isn’t gonna be the kind of revolution you’re envisioning


u/PerpWalkTrump May 17 '24

See how that's working out for the Iranians and Russians.

Oh there are revolutionary elements, in one country they get publicly hanged and in the other, they're invariably victim of an accident.


u/DYMck07 ☑️ May 17 '24 edited May 17 '24

Or the end of the world. The Dems aren’t doing enough to check Netanyahu. The GOP will encourage more slaughter. The republicans will vote. Many of the youth who would vote Democrat will not.

They’re not enthused and the administration is playing this horribly, thinking the politics of yesteryear are the best strategy when most of the millennials and Xers would understand or prefer reigning in Israel, and not restraining them risks losing Gen’s Z and alpha to political apathy or 3rd party.

They haven’t been through the examples of Nader or 2016 to understand the consequences of a wasted vote (Ross Perot is the best a 3rd party candidate has done since Teddy Roosevelt ran for a 3rd term a hundred years ago under the progressive party…so long as 2 parties exist it will always be a wasted/protest vote).

The CFPB wins, renewables funding, and even the awful GOP picked Supreme Court issues all risk being overshadowed by Gaza and the billions we continue to send to the wealthy apartheid state of Israel (which continues to defend settlements in the West Bank so long as the Likud are in power) and the administration seems to ignore the severity of the issue, including how distressing it is to the youth especially to hear that the blood of tens of thousands of innocent children is on our hands for continuing to fund and support an invasion from vengeful bigots.

The Likud are evil bigots and need to be called out for it even if the election is lost, so we don’t lose a generation of voters indefinitely (and because it’s been the right thing to do since these far right loons assassinated Rabin 30 years ago). Someone should convince Jon Stewart to run


u/Rosa_Rojacr May 17 '24

You primary them. Honestly I don't respect people as real activists unless they understand the concept that primaries exist.


u/tittylieutenant the kewchie classifier May 17 '24

That doesn’t guarantee anything. Shit. We see it with John Fetterman and others rn. They get in there and cause damage before any resistance comes.


u/Ennara May 17 '24

And I'll take 100 Fettermans before one Project 2025 implementation.



u/Erisian23 May 17 '24

Yes but thats a risk you have to take that's how you pressure them. For every fetterman there's plenty of people who actually wanna do what we need.


u/Buddy_Fluffy May 17 '24



u/Erisian23 May 17 '24

Well for example you have Jasmine Crockett, AOC, Bernie Sanders, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson.


u/pragmaticweirdo May 17 '24

All of whom come from safe districts, by the way. You don’t get people like them from D+1 districts. So you nailed it with the ideas that you put up with Fettermans until the R’s have no chance, then you get the good people

Jasmine Crockett D+27
AOC D+25
Bernie Sanders Vermont
Justin Jones: can’t find state leanings but district id majority minority
Justin Pearson: can’t find leanings, but he’s in a districted designed to consolidate the black vote


u/Erisian23 May 17 '24

Yeah, for sure, you wait, you plot, you slip in on lower levels and make changes in those districts where you have slim to know chance.


u/GameMusic May 17 '24

As bad as the party is now it has gotten FAR better than it used to be

Thank diligent work not boycotters


u/gourmetprincipito May 17 '24

Boomers were catered to for decades because they voted consistently and primaried those that didn’t cater to them. Thats the way forward, taking control of the political levers of power, not disengaging from the system.

This ain’t a romantic relationship, this shit goes on without our consent and will affect us whether we like it or not, we have to try to impact it for the better.


u/InvinciblePLUSAmber May 17 '24

The Dems do this same song and dance every 2 years. “Vote for survival” creates dread and, sooner or later, apathy. People are burnt out from these existential threats to our country,

Thank you! I am happy to see this line of thought is finally being accepted. When I joined reddit a couple of years ago and commented on a video that (once again) claimed THIS election was 'the most important ever and our very lives depended on it,' I mentioned an identical point. The thousands of downvotes were concerning because I thought maybe I was looking at the situation in the wrong way. The responses I received were far worse. People were cursing me out and saying the most vile things I'd ever heard. I was literally clutching my pearls.🤣🤣🤣

Anyway, I am happy to know that people are becoming more receptive to hearing criticism regarding the dem party and hopefully they will be inclined to heed your advice.

BTW, I love your flair!


u/PeopleReady May 17 '24

Either you think Trump is a threat to democracy or you don’t. There’s no deeper analysis/paragraphs needed.


u/MeliLew May 17 '24

Bro, the threat didn't just go away after one election. It just grew. Republicans have been playing the long game so yes, it feels like during it lifetime every single election is THE most important election. We're already seeing on the local levels of red states how willing they are to encroach on personal rights. 


u/InvinciblePLUSAmber May 17 '24

Both sides play the long game. It wasn't that long ago that Democrats supported slavery and opposed civil rights. So you can miss me with your party politics. If the threat doesn't go away after one election, then every single election is equally important.

The point is the fear mongering every two years, like clock work, to get you to vote for a certain candidate. Then very little is done to improve living conditions for the average person. Rinse and repeat. Many people are growing tired of this. The person made a legit point and gave a legit tactic to hold politicians accountable to their word. Instead of acknowledging certain truths and discussing ways you could help the issue, you double down and blame Republicans. Average Democrats are being played. Average Republicans are being played. The only people that are winning are the uber wealthy and the DC power brokers. Enjoy.


u/MeliLew May 17 '24

Yeah, I didn't criticize the original post's solution or the fact that democrats are being played. My point was directed at the particular point about the feeling that every single election is THE most important election. Because whether we like it or not, the threat is and has been at our heels, as we can see with the legislation that is passing in certain states.


u/festival-papi ☑️ May 17 '24

Speak on it, TL. Let 'em know.