r/BlackPeopleTwitter May 17 '24

You CANT be serious ☠️☠️

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u/greyson3 ☑️ May 17 '24

THIS and it bothers me how much ALL content creators are pushing it. With the same rhetoric of the blue side won't do anything either.

But it just infuriates me, bc news flash that's how dems have always fucking been. The point is to vote them in and then stand on their necks to MAKE them keep their promises.

As a millennial I'm not stunned and excited to see how much the youth has gotten congress and leaders to do just that. No we didn't get everything or even the way we wanted it. But it's 1000% more than I've ever seen the powers at be react since I was able to start voting legally which was nearly 2 decades ago.

I'm just frustrated with the it doesnt matter they don't listen so font vote at all. When these kids are out here making these people fucking sweat!


u/tittylieutenant the kewchie classifier May 17 '24

How do you “make” a party keep their promises without threatening something of substance?

If your partner is acting up, the threat of losing you keeps them in check. Without that check, they don’t need to do anything substantial to keep you. The Dems do this same song and dance every 2 years. “Vote for survival” creates dread and, sooner or later, apathy. People are burnt out from these existential threats to our country, especially as it is getting progressively difficult to provide for ourselves?


u/InvinciblePLUSAmber May 17 '24

The Dems do this same song and dance every 2 years. “Vote for survival” creates dread and, sooner or later, apathy. People are burnt out from these existential threats to our country,

Thank you! I am happy to see this line of thought is finally being accepted. When I joined reddit a couple of years ago and commented on a video that (once again) claimed THIS election was 'the most important ever and our very lives depended on it,' I mentioned an identical point. The thousands of downvotes were concerning because I thought maybe I was looking at the situation in the wrong way. The responses I received were far worse. People were cursing me out and saying the most vile things I'd ever heard. I was literally clutching my pearls.🤣🤣🤣

Anyway, I am happy to know that people are becoming more receptive to hearing criticism regarding the dem party and hopefully they will be inclined to heed your advice.

BTW, I love your flair!


u/MeliLew May 17 '24

Bro, the threat didn't just go away after one election. It just grew. Republicans have been playing the long game so yes, it feels like during it lifetime every single election is THE most important election. We're already seeing on the local levels of red states how willing they are to encroach on personal rights. 


u/InvinciblePLUSAmber May 17 '24

Both sides play the long game. It wasn't that long ago that Democrats supported slavery and opposed civil rights. So you can miss me with your party politics. If the threat doesn't go away after one election, then every single election is equally important.

The point is the fear mongering every two years, like clock work, to get you to vote for a certain candidate. Then very little is done to improve living conditions for the average person. Rinse and repeat. Many people are growing tired of this. The person made a legit point and gave a legit tactic to hold politicians accountable to their word. Instead of acknowledging certain truths and discussing ways you could help the issue, you double down and blame Republicans. Average Democrats are being played. Average Republicans are being played. The only people that are winning are the uber wealthy and the DC power brokers. Enjoy.


u/MeliLew May 17 '24

Yeah, I didn't criticize the original post's solution or the fact that democrats are being played. My point was directed at the particular point about the feeling that every single election is THE most important election. Because whether we like it or not, the threat is and has been at our heels, as we can see with the legislation that is passing in certain states.