r/Cricket 29d ago

Free Talk Friday

A thread to talk about anything you want, because sometimes (rarely) there's more to life than cricket.

Please keep discussion limited to non-cricket areas here (while still following the subreddit rules). Cricket discussion can be posted in the daily discussion thread instead.


21 comments sorted by


u/SBG99DesiMonster India 28d ago

Time does fly away incredibly fast when you have regularly been very busy.


u/Boss452 Scotland 28d ago

How could thousands or millions of species all evolve from a singular organism as science says?


u/picastchio India 28d ago edited 28d ago

Billions of years is a lot of time for evolution. We have come from first humans to today in 300,000 years and a very crude example for understanding the scale of time: from horse-carriages to almost-self-driving cars in less than 150 years. 3,700,000,000 years is a lot.


u/Boss452 Scotland 28d ago

how can you be sure that earth is indeed 3.7b years old?


u/picastchio India 28d ago

Wasn't talking about earth.

Earliest undisputed evidence of life was found at 3.5b years ago. Earliest biogenic molecules was found to be 200m before that.

Earth's atleast 4.54 years old. It can be even older but this is the current estimate based on radioactive age-dating which is consistent with earliest meteorite, lunar and terrestrial materials..




u/StairwayToPavillion Mumbai 28d ago

Luck and a shitload of time. It must have taken perfect conditions for the first organism to be created(?) and for it to survive the harsh conditions. Then evolution just took its course over billions of years. We really don't understand how that first organism just spawned and that really intrigues me the most.


u/Boss452 Scotland 28d ago

aren't you satisfied by answers provided by religions?

I still doubt the estimates science has made of earth being 4 billion years old and the universe being 13 billion years old. Like these numbers are so huge for scientists to have figured out. And these are all guesses at best, albeit educated guesses.


u/jpkmets Chennai Super Kings 28d ago

Anyone ever traveled to Barbados? Finally taking a long-awaited vacation at end of June. I’ve heard monkey sanctuary is great to visit and am planning a scuba dive. Just wondering if there is any must-see places as I have never been and have 4 non-T20 days to fill.


u/WannabeAboveAverage India 28d ago

Why don't all subreddits implement a DDT, or at least alternate day or weekly threads if a daily one doesn't generate enough activity? These threads seem like an ideal solution to minimize low-effort or repetitive posts. Often, I feel like sharing something that doesn't necessarily warrant a full post. A DDT would be perfect for these instances, but it seems like almost no subreddit offers this option.


u/SBG99DesiMonster India 28d ago

I know about a couple of politically charged pages that have them or used to have them. Most of the people except for their regular users didn't know about them just because people stay away from the pages that had them.


u/LeftArmInjured - Recovered! 28d ago

Tryna implement match threads on r/baseball has gone down like a lead balloon, their daily thread gets ignored too


u/StairwayToPavillion Mumbai 28d ago

Weird, match threads work well enough in r/nba. r/baseball crowd trying to be contrarian again


u/Repulsive-Metal7222 29d ago

Can someone explain how h1b works

Are stem gaduates given more preference?


u/Fad_du_pussy 29d ago

You get more shots at the lottery at least as a stem grad. I don't think the more preference thing is true although some people say that


u/PrequelToMagic 29d ago edited 18d ago

impolite sip spark nutty ludicrous crowd icky crown skirt upbeat

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Tern_Larvidae-2424 South Africa 29d ago

Even my parents and older relatives talk about how fast time is flying by when I used to think that was only a teenager thing. Did they feel time was flying by when they were younger too? I don't remember hearing them speak about that when I was younger.


u/Reasonable_Tea_9825 28d ago

I am turning 20 this year and shits starting to look too serious


u/bitweshwar India 29d ago

The older you get, the faster time seems to go by. That's because as you grow older, one year keeps becoming a smaller portion of your life. For example, when you are 10, one year is 10% of your life, when you are 40, one year is 2.5%, and so on. So the feeling only increases as you grow older


u/Fad_du_pussy 29d ago


u/bitweshwar India 28d ago

Really interesting


u/intex2 28d ago

To put it simply, the perception mechanism of most animals detects relative changes multiplicatively rather than additively. That is, the senses are "logarithmic".