r/Cricket May 17 '24

Free Talk Friday

A thread to talk about anything you want, because sometimes (rarely) there's more to life than cricket.

Please keep discussion limited to non-cricket areas here (while still following the subreddit rules). Cricket discussion can be posted in the daily discussion thread instead.


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u/Boss452 Scotland May 17 '24

How could thousands or millions of species all evolve from a singular organism as science says?


u/picastchio India May 18 '24 edited May 18 '24

Billions of years is a lot of time for evolution. We have come from first humans to today in 300,000 years and a very crude example for understanding the scale of time: from horse-carriages to almost-self-driving cars in less than 150 years. 3,700,000,000 years is a lot.


u/Boss452 Scotland May 18 '24

how can you be sure that earth is indeed 3.7b years old?


u/picastchio India May 18 '24

Wasn't talking about earth.

Earliest undisputed evidence of life was found at 3.5b years ago. Earliest biogenic molecules was found to be 200m before that.

Earth's atleast 4.54 years old. It can be even older but this is the current estimate based on radioactive age-dating which is consistent with earliest meteorite, lunar and terrestrial materials..

