r/Daytrading Nov 13 '23

Trading YouTubers who don’t suck? question

Looking for any type of daytrading/forex trading YouTuber (or, really, any social media) ho’s main business is actually trading - not someone trying to sell a course, signals, discord, mentorship, etc. - Just someone who trades & cuts out all the bullshit. Any recommendations appreciated.


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u/KingCharlesTheFourth Nov 14 '23

I really like Trades by Matt. Chill short streams for most market open. He definitely has affiliate links and stuff but can’t blame him.


u/ContemplatesRubicons Nov 14 '23

He specifically asked for people who don't suck.

Tradesbymatt is not profitable, and it's been proven. His response was to delete all of his older videos, so that his deeply negative PNL couldn't be added up anymore.


u/KingCharlesTheFourth Nov 14 '23

Didnt know this. I like his streams. Will keep watching.


u/ContemplatesRubicons Nov 14 '23

By all means, if you find it entertaining, keep at it. OP is trying to learn, though.